do you have to achieve everything in your twenties ?

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12 Feb 2020, 9:18 am

Yes, Chris, the day you turn thirty, you go senile. Almost all the well-known politicians, entertainers and scientists on TV are played by actors in their 20s, because they can't stop drooling at 31. When Bob Dylan said "Never trust anyone over 30" he was warning you about zombies, just before his persona was copied by the 20 somethings who secretly manage all this, and do all the work on earth, and get all the Nobel prizes. Bernie Sanders and Queen Elizabeth are holograms - you can see it in their white hair. So please stop asking.


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12 Feb 2020, 9:35 am

My thirties were spent consciously undoing the achievements mistakes I made in my twenties.

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12 Feb 2020, 9:55 am

Dear_one wrote:
Yes, Chris, the day you turn thirty, you go senile. Almost all the well-known politicians, entertainers and scientists on TV are played by actors in their 20s, because they can't stop drooling at 31. When Bob Dylan said "Never trust anyone over 30" he was warning you about zombies, just before his persona was copied by the 20 somethings who secretly manage all this, and do all the work on earth, and get all the Nobel prizes. Bernie Sanders and Queen Elizabeth are holograms - you can see it in their white hair. So please stop asking.


As for the OP, I never, ever met or even heard of anyone who achieved everything in their twenties 8O

If someone like that exists, I wonder what they're going to do for the rest of their life... :lol:

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12 Feb 2020, 10:23 am

If somebody in their 20s tells you that he/she has it "all figured out," I would be highly skeptical.

I would think that this person is trying to get me to join a cult or something.


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12 Feb 2020, 10:55 am

I'd say the most important things I achieved in my 20's were moving into my own apartment at 24 and aging into my looks at 27. The first one is self-explanatory, and I've changed apartments once since then. The second one is deeper. From puberty to about 26, I was so ugly, I made Quasimodo look like George Clooney in comparison; I knew because most women wanted nothing to do with me, and sometimes wouldn't even hug me. I started silently cursing myself out whenever I walked past a mirror. At one point, I even destroyed most of my photos from between 14 and 25, my ugliest years; the few that remain are almost all at my parents' house.

I started looking better from age 27 or so; I knew because I started having consistent luck with women. Not so much sex (escorts handled that part), but more like respectful interest and physical affection. The final turning point came at age 29, when I took a cruise by myself, and had no trouble talking to women there; they even photobombed my pictures by pressing into me and gave me full-body hugs. Today, my best friend is an attractive young woman, who thinks very highly of me and sometimes hugs me in affectionate ways that border on romantic. I actually find that more flattering than sexual interest.


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12 Feb 2020, 11:40 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
My thirties were spent consciously undoing the achievements mistakes I made in my twenties.

:lol: :lol: :lol: !

Oh, how I laugh with recognition!

Only reason I’m on balance a happy human coping with existence is because I walked out of the life I’d made self-destroyed aged 29 and never looked back!


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12 Feb 2020, 11:42 am


I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.


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12 Feb 2020, 11:45 am

^ :lol: Can’t beat it!


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12 Feb 2020, 11:50 am

I really screwed up from 22-29. I was exactly 29 when I made matters worse with my achievements mistakes.

My 30s were a decade of reckoning and reconsideration.

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12 Feb 2020, 12:00 pm

I've trashed my life about every seven years, after seeing a better way to be, and/or that I'd hit the limits of my previous direction. 30 happened to hit in a stable middle section. I was wise beyond my years in childhood, and am still childish in some ways. I don't keep score, I just follow my own star. These days, the thing to achieve is a negative carbon footprint. If we don't get lots of good examples and follow them, we are headed for chaos rendering most of our usual goals impossible.


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12 Feb 2020, 12:15 pm

My 20s has pretty much been the last decade, so really this is more of an evaluation of what the 2010's were like for me:
- I gained a technical qualification (high school diploma equivalent) with top grades,
- Lived on my own at uni so at least i had the independence for a while, can't say I had the full experience being an introvert and all,
- Freedom of doing what i want, like eating favourite foods, watching what I want whenever, and recently having a job has made it easier so i'd say thats the highlight of the decade. I don't ever go out for a drink for both being socially awkward and not big on alcohol, let alone anyone to go with.

I always envision going out to a theme park or even abroad but doing it alone isn't as fun as with others, just haven't got the confidence or social skills, and my current place of work is not a suitable grounds to improve in. Perhaps I haven't got to that stage yet, low self-esteem and confidence seem to be my main issue that hopefully age will improve.


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12 Feb 2020, 12:28 pm

Do You Have To Achieve Everything In Your Twenties ?

:lol: Heck no!

I wonder sometimes what the origin of this social myth is about. I wonder if it's a hold-over from the middle ages when life expectancy was 31. If that's the case, given worldwide it's now more like 72, 69.6 should be the new 29. Just shoot to get it all done by then and you should be alright in this modern era. 8)

Childbirth is another matter, since we are an odd species and have menopause. -but even the idea that a woman's reproductive shelf life expires at 30 is based on really old data from a time when female and infant mortality was a lot higher. More and more studies suggest that we have a bit longer to do things than we used to think. Good news for us late bloomers anyway.


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12 Feb 2020, 3:25 pm

Do You Have To Achieve Everything In Your Twenties ?

I hope not; otherwise this decade sure is going to be busy for me. 8O :lol:

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15 Feb 2020, 2:53 pm

I started my twenties trying to setup what I wanted to achieve, but grew disillusioned, until I found a way to grapple my mental health and perservere.

I'm nearing my thirties, almost achieving what I want to achieve, so in hindsight, I've used this part of my life to hopefully setup the next decade, and potentially, the rest of my life.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."

"And I've embraced the calamity, with a detachment and a passive disinterest."

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15 Feb 2020, 3:02 pm

My ability to achieve goals is almost entirely dependent upon my luck at finding people to work with. When some combination lets me focus on what I do well, while an NT does the telephone work or other chores to ensure a wider relevance, I get at least ten times more stuff done. I spend most of my time fishing for collaborators.


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15 Feb 2020, 4:41 pm

OP, there is a wise saying:

"When you know better, you do better". Wisdom accumulates over time if you are willing to absorb it. (Some seem to never develop beyond what they knew and believed as young adults, but they are relatively few in number).

My own most significant achievements peaked in my thirties. I am still adding to them. I wonder what your idea about old people is, ie do you see them/us as incapable of any achievement or growth?