ma_137 wrote:
At the moment, I feel desperately lonely in life and crave companionship from the opposite, but actually being able to get that companionship seems nigh impossible. How does AS make you all feel?
My luck in love has also been dismal as well, but I'm still not sure if that is because of AS, a pathological shyness to go beyond normal talk with women friends, or both. What I have done to avoid depression is to keep myself busy at every moment, to the point I'm coming to grips to find time for all my work and ongoing projects. Sometimes I tend to have a letdown though, when Friday night hits and there's nothing for me but work... but what can you do when all your friends want to do is to hit noisy, cigarrette-infested discos and engage into binge drinking on the wee hours? (okay, that's just a slight exaggeration). I've always rather been a person of calm spaces and environments, and at my thirties I've just become even more so.
That said, I don't find this site depressing - in fact I think it is a vital resource to blow off steam and confessions we wouldn't talk with anyone else outside the spectrum because they simply wouldn't understand. How could be depressing to find out you're not alone on this?
"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do." - Bertrand Russell