liking the term "aspergers" or not?
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 9 Jun 2021
Age: 34
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 74
Location: Quantum Dust Cloud
I don't care what it's called.. I just hate experiencing it... "Aspergers" is fine with me because when I inform on a need to know basis to someone that I am on the spectrum, saying that I'm "autistic" tends to cast instant doubt (e.g. "you don't look autistic", "my cousin's autistic, so you must be faking it, as you speak and act just fine.") and results in stupid or negative comments, questions and outcomes socially.
Like most(?) in this thread I don't really care, but think it's a bit unneccesary to create an us vs them situation with two kinds of autism.
As for what people associate with autism and the confusion and disbelief that may arise, I simply say "I am diagnosed with autism level 1, previously called Aspergers, and sometimes high functioning autism".
Interests: Comic books, Manga; most things to do with Handicraft, wood, textile, metal etc, modern materials; horror, true crime; languages, art, and history to an extent
Uninterests: All things about motors; celebrities; fashion; sports; career; stock market
Feel free to PM me!
My stupid opinion:
First: there is an apostrophe after the final "r" and before the final "s".
(but - as Lavar Burton says - "you don't have to take my word for it" - you can check for yourself).
It is possessive not plural (like Einstein's Theory).
Second, as a term I am fine with it - it sounds like it might have something to do with the word "Aspire" (which is does not - at least not from a word etymology point of view). I think of people like (asking for trouble here) Elon Musk.
Note that this page:
Suggests these people:
"Alfred Hitchcock, Charles Schulz, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, and Bill Gates are among the highly successful people who achieved a lot despite suffering from the syndrome. This section provides you information about the life and works of famous people with Asperger’s."
While I doubt that all of these people have diagnoses I think that the average person has a positive view of Asperger's. I don't have a diagnosis at all (except for self-diagnosis and RDOS test results). I do have a diagnosis or ADHD. My oldest was diagnosed ADHD and ASD under DSM-V. The note from the PhD who did the diagnosis said Level 1 and Level 1.5 for the two measures. He needed a ADHD or Autism diagnosis for legal accommodation in High School (age 14 to 17). He is now 20. My youngest was also diagnosed ADHD. He is now 11.
I am not of the opinion that Asperger's doesn't exist since they changed the DSM-IV to DSM-V. To me they just move it over and combined it. I wasn't surprised since I had seen several studies before that that could not find any difference between the two groups (those diagnosed Asperger and those diagnosed Autism) under the DSM-IV (when they controlled for IQ).
Words are just words and "the map is not the territory".
ADHD-I(diagnosed) ASD-HF(diagnosed)
RDOS scores - Aspie score 131/200 - neurotypical score 69/200 - very likely Aspie