LadyMacbeth wrote:
What are the odds of two aspie parents having an NT kid?
Aspies don't breed. [Or so say "experts".]
I myself can attest to this fact. I was not born. I fell from the sky, in a rock that had been drifting through space for quite some time. When I landed, some little boy, attracted by the commotion, came and found the impact crater. Upon poking the rock I was in with a stick, the rock sprung open. At the time I was nothing more than a small, gelatinous mass. I quickly squirmed up the stick onto the boy's hand, and then slowly consumed him as he ran about screaming. He was tasty! Afterwards, I found that I could assume his form. I wandered around and came across a nearby structure; some lady came out and told me it was time to come in for dinner, so I did. It was tasty too, so I stayed there. Never really got theses "human" creatures, but they seem to be infesting most of the planet, so I try put up with them as best I can.
I'm pretty sure it all aspies have a similar origin. That's my theory about where aspies come from, and I'm stickin' to it.
Good fortune,
- Steve McQueen
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.