I know at least 6 types of 'classic autistics', first 4 barely being differentiated from one another by onlookers:
They usually cannot pass and are in support level 2 or above in any point.
One is the official kind -- autism with actual intellectual disability, who actually needs 24/7 care, with little to no verbal abilities to speak of.
Probability posting; low.
Their parents or caretakers are likely the posters instead.
If they do post, I'd assume their posts will be very out of place.
The super rigid kind -- autism with a lot of learning disabilities and psychiatric comorbidities.
The super deep but narrow kind. Likely with severe echolalia and/or ADHD.
Still has more verbal ability than the average, may likely be argumentative or with a lot of inquiry related to their topic of interest.
Probability posting; mid.
Their posts would likely consists of same topics, their replies are likely short or super detailed.
Then the unpassable kinds -- autism with most likely severe dyspraxia or NVLD but otherwise stuck in their body, or cannot rely beyond written words.
Super articulate, journalistic writing, good at arguments, etc...
Probability posting; high.
Their posts are usually either too advanced to be understood or too attractive. Online, they can pass -- in real life, they're disabled.
And, the nonverbal kind -- autism with little to no communicative speech, but that's just all.
Doesn't matter if their intelligent, can write and read or actually more reliably functioning than an average aspie.
Possibly with aphasia as opposed to apraxia mentioned above.
All it matters is that they functionally mute and that's the sole trait that divides them.
Probability posting; mid, just not around here.
Their posts are likely short or uses words rather differently.
The 5th would be the formerly classic kind -- classic autism at youth, aspergian like in later life.
Defined more around developmental delays as opposed to developmental disabilities.
May or may not pass. May or may not be articulate. May or may not be argumentative. May or may not also have traits mentioned above.
Probability posting; mid.
Then the last type is practically the reverse of the previous mentioned type -- the fluctuated kind.
For any reason why, they're at any point went from support level 0-1 to level 2-3 in long terms.
Likely very experienced people and is functioning at any point of their past lives.
Only to be caught up with illness, chronic stress, constant trauma, injury... Some may recover, some may not.
They may or may not go through any of the other types above.
Probability posting; high.
I notice which is which. I read a lot other people's posts. I just don't reply or express what I know. :twisted: I just come here to kill time.
I don't pay attention whether or not the forum is active. Been out around a week or so.
But if you mean by 'classic autistic poster', you mean the expressively rigid type who asks specific yet similar questions numerous times a week -- yeah, I notice.