Unseen Unheard wrote:
I have also lived overseas and interstate and travelled widely but that doesn't seem to stop me from having much the same dreams over and over again. I think the "back in school" dream is pretty common. I had it again last night and it's been almost 40 years since I left school. But I have this recurring dream that it's the last day of school and I didn't sit for any exams so I know I have failed but I just keep pretending that I am graduating like everyone else. It's actually a super annoying dream I have very regularly.
Eh, we're all different and dream differently. What happens to one person doesn't always happen to another!
I guess what happened with me was I was a little kid and didn't see very much or live long enough and that might be why I kept having the same dream though I didn't have it every single night. But when I lived more years, my brain developed more, and I got to see more places and things, those dreams I had of Martin Luther King or whoever that Mustached man was slowed down. Unfortunately I still still had nightmares of MLK tickling me but they were different, my last one happened when I was 10!
But the variety of my dreams have gotten wider!
Well I guess I still have recurring dreams, but they're not repeating dreams like I had when I was 1 or 2-4 years old! (Yes I can remember some dreams I had back when I was 2! Don't get jealous, I didn't like some of them!) But my recurring dreams are as I said of me still being in school, and college, and forgetting to do my homework by its due date, or not remembering where my class is! Or me still living under my parents rules, being bossed around by them, going along with things, etc. Sometimes though I was aware of what was going on and did have the courage to stand up to my parents, try to resist them, even walk out on them (in my dreams!) Still I hear you on the annoyance!
I think reading your post helped me explain myself better!
To everyone reading, I made my own dream post by the way
viewtopic.php?t=398635 I'm hoping to get some comments to that.