Sensory issues
Fenn wrote:
If you want to be abusive and prejudiced to Christians that is up to you.
I find your prejudice offensive.
Praying to God is talking to your Creator, not "meditation" though there are some commonalities.
Pre-judging something you do not understand is kind of the definition of prejudice, which is make up of two words pre and judge.
OP's issue was hypersensitivity to tactile stimulation and anxiety - and the observation that these hypersensitivities and anxieties are changing over time.
Two people suggested prayer (and not meditation).
My experience is when dealing with my own hypersensitivity and my own anxiety is that prayer helps. Despite your protests my experience is my experience, and it was on topic.
If you are prejudiced about praying - that seems off topic. If you have been hurt by someone in your past who you associate with Christianity I apologize for that hurt on behalf of that person. If you have some other reason for your pre-judging me you are welcome to PM me and we can discuss some more without hijacking this thread.
If you want to be abusive and prejudiced to Christians that is up to you.
I find your prejudice offensive.
Praying to God is talking to your Creator, not "meditation" though there are some commonalities.
Pre-judging something you do not understand is kind of the definition of prejudice, which is make up of two words pre and judge.
OP's issue was hypersensitivity to tactile stimulation and anxiety - and the observation that these hypersensitivities and anxieties are changing over time.
Two people suggested prayer (and not meditation).
My experience is when dealing with my own hypersensitivity and my own anxiety is that prayer helps. Despite your protests my experience is my experience, and it was on topic.
If you are prejudiced about praying - that seems off topic. If you have been hurt by someone in your past who you associate with Christianity I apologize for that hurt on behalf of that person. If you have some other reason for your pre-judging me you are welcome to PM me and we can discuss some more without hijacking this thread.
1. Why say this is insulting to Christians? Believers in other religions also pray. It's not just about one group.
2. Prayer was originally brought up in this thread by a believer in the practice. It was rightly pointed out that this suggestion is not a good idea without knowing the person with the problem.
3. Your experience is not everyone's experience. See #2.
4. "If you have been hurt by someone...." is a condescending an insulting way of arguing. One can see religion as nonsense without having been "hurt" by a religious person. And again, you insist in making it about your own particular religion, though that is not the issue.
5. This thread was "hijacked" by the introduction of prayer as a topic. I'd be very happy to leave that behind and actually try to help the OP.
"Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey."
Benjamin the Donkey wrote:
I'd be very happy to leave that behind and actually try to help the OP.
That would seem the decent thing to do. It's up to the OP to decide whether or not to try prayers. I wouldn't rule out some kind of mind-calming ritual or exercise as a possible help. Personally I wouldn't expect such interventions to achieve much, but there isn't a lot to lose.
If medical marijuana is proving useful I'd suggest continuing with that. I've known of it easing sensory issues before. CBD might well also do the same thing while being more likely to allow keeping a clear head, though it's not cheap if bought from a commercial source, and when I tried it, I needed a lot to get it to work much at all, so it wasn't very cost effective, though others have spoken of good results at a much lower dose.
I think it might help to try to break the anxiety cycle (if that's the right name for it), which could mean any of a number of things - exercise, a warm bath, finding something interesting to do to distract the mind, even going to a doctor who might prescribe a sedative, though if it were me I'd only do that as a last resort, not trusting pharmaceuticals very much myself. A doctor also might have other things to suggest. Some doctors are practically useless, others quite good. Can't hurt to ask. And getting the environment under control, maybe darkening the room and switching to more comfortable bedding if anything can be found.
By the way, welcome to Wrong Planet. It's sad when a person's first thread goes off topic and argumentative so quickly. Not a good advert for the place, but it's just unfortunate I think. It doesn't happen that way all the time by any means.
Fenn wrote:
If you want to be abusive and prejudiced to Christians that is up to you.
If you want to be abusive and prejudiced to Christians that is up to you.
I don't think Starkid is being abusive or prejudiced toward Christians, because number one she didn't mention Christianity in particular, and number two I don't think it's really possible to be "abusive to Christians", because "abuse" implies a dynamic of power and powerlessness, and Christians in the anglosphere are traditionally the ones with power.
quaker wrote:
Mountain Goat was not suggesting praying in any particularly way or to any particular God.
Therefore, his advise was compassionate, empathic and helpful to most.
Therefore, his advise was compassionate, empathic and helpful to most.
You're missing the point. Praying to "no god in particular" is of little benefit to one who is atheist. And, a lot of users on this site are atheist, and a lot of people are atheist specifically because of trauma related to a religious upbringing. We don't really have any freedom of religion unless we are also given the freedom of opting out of religion (2:256); and presuming that everyone worships the same vague, non-denominational, gender-neutral, god-with-a-lowercase-g doesn't really accomplish much besides alienating large swathes of your audience.
The OP literally created an account just to make this thread, we know nothing else about her except for the contents of her post, and I think it's very un-compassionate to just assume right out of the gates that she is theist.
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