Danusaurus wrote:
I usually squish my face up n do weird face stuff .. usually when I'm feeling confused or having to do a task that requires processing.. which is most things.
I do that as well. I often have my scrunch/I'm thinking face on. From what I hear, it's an amusing thing to behold.
I tend to be either overly animated with my face or have a dead pan expression. It seems to be all or nothing with me. I get laughs when I do weird crap with my face. When I do nothing with my face I get asked what's wrong, or if I'm bored or mad or something.
I don't get in trouble for it (though I might have as a kid, I'm old, so a bit removed from that now), but I can make people worry that I don't like them or care what they're talking about or whatever. It can also be off putting to people who don't know me if my expressions aren't situationally appropriate. Which is most of the time in my case. *shrugs*