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Double Retired

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12 Oct 2021, 5:20 pm

My bride is ADHD and is a voracious reader. When we got the first faint hint that I might have some traits of Autism she says she read a little about it on the Internet; and I probably shared some memes with her. I enjoy much of the humor about Autism coming from Auties. And often it sounds like it is describing me. Those help set the stage.

Some sources of humor might be: AspieComic, , internet searches for Autism memes, etc.

Plus, I asked my bride to take the Autism-Spectrum Quotient Test "for" me. That is, I asked her to take the test and fill in the answers the way she thought I should answer them.

The only movie about Autism she watched before all this came up was Temple Grandin. I don't recall her ever mentioning similarities to me.

And, of course, there's Sheldon Cooper...widely thought to be Autistic but officially the writers won't say so.

Good luck, though!

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Oct 2021, 6:45 pm

Double Retired wrote:
My bride is ADHD and is a voracious reader. When we got the first faint hint that I might have some traits of Autism she says she read a little about it on the Internet; and I probably shared some memes with her. I enjoy much of the humor about Autism coming from Auties. And often it sounds like it is describing me. Those help set the stage.

Some sources of humor might be: AspieComic, , internet searches for Autism memes, etc.

Plus, I asked my bride to take the Autism-Spectrum Quotient Test "for" me. That is, I asked her to take the test and fill in the answers the way she thought I should answer them.

The only movie about Autism she watched before all this came up was Temple Grandin. I don't recall her ever mentioning similarities to me.

And, of course, there's Sheldon Cooper...widely thought to be Autistic but officially the writers won't say so.

Good luck, though!

I see i see.

My angel *does* believe I'm on the spectrum (he knew my unfortunate biological affiliates, my youngest brother having aspergers/ autism), his concern seems to be around my obsessive nature.

I *love* collecting information, even if I dont use it. I learn of something- especially *about* him or I- and I dive in and explore. First-hand accounts (wrong planet what whaaaat :!: ) are my favorite because I feel doctors and medical journals are great, but strip away alot of the organic, genuine experience of just about everything. NOT a criticism, just a neutral observation.

So naturally after my breakdown and loss of my Mask when the flags were almost undeniable I did what I've done my whole life. I read and observed.

He worried, mostly due to my fragile state at the time (slightly currently- oh PTSD you jack-in-the-box you) that i may hypnotize myself or just be distracting from "real" or "immediate" issues. I agree with the possibility. However I dont believe thats the case here.

I've been taking time to slowly, quietly observe before becoming "active" here and other places, and as a highly nervous, easily agitated, isolated, and generally unpleasant person I can safely say that *TYPICALLY* any time a set of facts or experiences brings me peace its because its true.

Thanks to you guys I've been able to start believing that yes, I am on the spectrum and all of my doubts and shame are remnants of the monsters that created me constantly telling me I was making everything up for attention or just trying to make them look bad, or trying to get out of chores/ work/ taking care of the others. Its slow, but its time to let go and accept and believe it.

Thanks Double Retired :D

My angel just walked in (he doesn't know what the forum im on is about yet- maybe in an hour or so) but I described you to him and he says you sound like an excellent... pen pal? Forum friend? I dunno.

"I'm laughing because its not funny :D"
-Me almost daily

Double Retired

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15 Oct 2021, 7:22 pm

Any progress?

P.S. It dawned on me it might be quite reasonable for your husband to not be overly interested in you being on the Spectrum. He knows you. He probably doesn't know you as well as you'd like but I'm guessing he knows you better than you realize.

And, from his standpoint, you getting an "Autism" label likely doesn't change things much for him. His life will be pretty much the same before and after the label. He's not interested in your resume, he's interested in YOU.

In husband-talk: It's just one more thing!

P.P.S. We've been married 21 years. :heart: And I'm still figuring things out. 8O

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.