Nades wrote:
If I was going to be a Hikikomori, I would at least live in an upper floor flat so when I die my liquidating corpse will leak through the ceiling of the flat below and spoil Christmas.
I think that's morbid and wonderful.
As to the topic at hand...
I wouldn't be surprised either if there was a large number of autistic people who were hikkikomori either. But yeah, it's not like autism is a prerequisite here either.
I haven't lived with my parents since I was sixteen, so I might not fit the criteria exactly. Still, I have had had times when I wouldn't leave the house for months at a time. I think nine months was the longest I've stayed indoors, and I didn't seek out people beyond my household. I was content that way for quite some time except when I finally did have to leave the house, it was hard as hell. Despite wanting to hide inside, I know it's ultimately not a good thing for me to do all the time.