Joe90 wrote:
I didn't mean to daydream, but it was something that frequently occurred but the teachers somehow didn't seem to pick up on.
Yeah, all of this sounds like inattentive-style ADHD, what used to be called ADD. And learning disabilities actually often co-appear with either ASD or ADHD diagnoses, though I think researchers still don't know why. A learning disability is not the same thing as low IQ or not being "smart" - examples are all the brilliant people throughout history who have had dyslexia, which is a learning disability.
Like Double Retired, I'm also an aspie and a member of MENSA. I've never been tested for a learning disability but I know I have deficits in some areas that autism can't explain and Adderall hasn't helped. So you're not alone!
Have you tried browsing the articles at ? They're a great resource, mostly focusing on ADHD but they also have stuff on asperger's/autism and learning disabilities and other stuff, too, and my doctor confirmed they're a safe site with accurate information that can be trusted, which of course isn't always the case on the internet. Here's an article about co-occurring ADHD and learning disabilities: ... abilities/Best of luck as you explore all the new information you've been given through testing.