shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
HP Love wrote:
I definitely have a LOT of trouble letting things go. It’s something I’d love to hear pointers on, if anyone else has figured out any tricks.
Keep busy
My previous counselor proposed:
A mantra (example:. "here and now")
Discovering an important truth for a difficult situation--eg. what the root cause(s) are; what is fixable vs not; what is due to your or another's choice(s) vs your/their circumstances/abilities/inabilities/personality vs just a difficult situation
Being on the receiving end of an accurate assessment of the situation--and still being given forgiveness
Being willing to see someone's limitation or faults, and either not judging them harshly nor allowing your emotions or "they should..." ideas always decide how you're going to react.
"Engineer type" w/ ADHD (AQ:35-40, SQ:80, EQ:11-18, FQ:24, Aspie Quiz: ND 103/200, NT 100/200)
-Fan of Dr. Russel Barkley lectures (ADHD), "How to ADHD" toolbox tips, AttentionTalkVideo, Therapy in a Nutshell, and Mark Hutten M.A. (Asperger's) channels on You Tube.