When I was a baby, my mom would never know I had an ear infection until she took me to the doctor for something else, like a diaper rash, and then the doctor would find the ear infection. Also, when I was 11 my ear drum ruptured because I didn't know I had an ear infection, and it went untreated for so long. This was also discovered when I was at the doctor for something else.
When I was twelve, I got the flu, which inflamed my appendix and triggered appendicitis. The first day the pain started, I told my mom my stomach hurt, but didn't mention it after that, so that by the time I got to the hospital five days later (with a fever above 105 and not really lucid), the doctors had no idea I was in any pain. Finally, a week after developing appendicitis, and probably about five days after my appendix had ruptured, spreading infection through my abdomen, and causing infection in my abdominal lining itself (peritonitis), the doctors figured out what was wrong with me and I had an operation. Why did it take so long? Apparently I didn't tell anyone at the hospital the kind of pain I was in- for 2 days they thought I had mono! Finally, several infectious disease specialists, an x-ray, and a CT scan later, they figured out what was wrong. I was in the hospital almost a month, and missed six weeks of school. If I had just made a fuss about the pain the first day, the appendicitis could have been treated, and I probably would have only spent a day or two in the hospital!
So, to parents of AS/NLD children- be careful when they're sick! They could be minimizing their symptoms because pain doesn't bother them as much as it does other people. Actually, I was so cavalier about the different procedures (including a percutaneous procedure to drain an abscess behind my liver- while I was awake), that the nurses would joke that if I ever was pregnant, the baby would probably be half out before I told someone I thought I was in labor.