not having been ready for first love. would have to have met someone like her prior, and have had about a decade apart to try to understand her, to have been the right man at the time of meeting, while there’s no one even remotely like her. no serious interest in anyone has been felt since or prior.
it’s not particularly a fault for having shown interest, but not having started on a classical instrument with formal training, like violin, piano, or flute as a small child... it likely also would have improved academics in it’s further rounding of cognitive gymnastics in ways basic studies didn’t.
not going to schools with sound investment in the sciences during development. even at a nice new high school in california, they were taught by gym teachers that’d just leave textbooks out with busy worksheets to fill in, or note taking assignments, for the students to teach themselves, rather than making anything about it even remotely interesting. it wasn’t realized until about thirty that strong interests would have been had in neurobiology, which would have given a solid idea of major, rather than dropping out of college just before finishing general education none the wiser without being willing to risk the insurmountable debt for something known good at in the over saturated arts.
not having been properly introduced to studies of foreign languages until an adult. you get four years of something like spanish in high school, but that translates to two semesters worth in college, which isn’t even enough to go beyond phrasing. it’s felt a choice of spanish or french should be taught alongside english upon beginning elementary, while a much more different one like chinese, arabic, or russian tacked on by middle. it’d teach americans just how much they don’t know in judging others blindly, that not all languages follow similar paths toward sentiment, or all etiquettes resulting in the same intended meanings, while potentially reducing racism in the country significantly.