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wow, I will stick with my Sybian, then!
I might make my own oxytocin watching you on that.

Carbetocin will have a longer half-life. I scan the patent for the half-life but got tire of searching for it. Carbetocin is merely an analog
of oxytocin peptide with a minor alteration.
Firstly I would like to address this very interesting thread. Oxytocin is indeed released, by the Anterior Pituitary Gland (in the bottuck) during orgasm. Well that is to say, for women, apparently. That's what they say. I'm very interested to know more about what women experience physiologically during orgasm. For a man though, Oxytocin is pumped throughout the body during stimulation and ejaculated out of the body, along with the semen. So as it may relax us, it also depletes our capacity and interest for further connection. (Sound familiar fellas?).
Now this from another thread I contributed to -
Oxytocin (excuse my laymans understanding) is pumped throughout the body by the Anterior Pituitary Gland (yes it is in the buttock). It aids in the transmission of all plasmas throughout the body (there are ten I think). It is responsible for the feelings of connection between members of the same species and as other people have indicated, other mammals. They have Oxytocin as well.
The APG requires Magnesium and Essential Fatty Acids to operate well. (We all know the "feel good" effects of Magnesium and EFA's. This is because the fluids are moving more effectively throughout the body). One of the most noticeable plasmas is the sexual fluids. When we feel connected obviously the production of sexual fluid increases. This is the effect of Oxytocin. The interesting thing about it is the more you get the more you desire connection and the less you get the less you wish to be near people. Sound familiar?
So we find ourselves in a catch-22 situation with regards Oxytocin. This is where diet comes in. (But there are sooo many other ways of increasing Oxytocin. If anyone is interested, I would love to share my research). I am personally focussing my efforts on diet, believing that the increase in Oxytocin will increase my tolerance and eventual desire for human company. And it is slowly working too!
If I can share a few easy ways with you: warmth (a warm bath, warm climate, soft music, warm colours, warm water rather than cool, pets, doing what you enjoy, sunlight of course, broad spectrum indoor lighting); Essential Fatty Acids (coconut oil is a miracle! but cold pressed organic oils generally, especially sesame and sunflower, avocado but only if you're digestion is good, warm nut mylks, organic Epsom salt baths); most importantly though minerals (Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc). Do not underestimate the importance of these Alkalising minerals. We are not machines. We have natural requirements. Magnesium and Calcium are particularly important to a functioning Anterior Pituitary Gland.
I am extremely interested in discussing this with anyone further as I have dedicated myself to it and my own healing.
"If you can, help others. If you cannot, do no harm".
The Dalai Lama
WRONG! The pituitary gland is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain.
WRONG! There is only one plasma - blood plasma.
If you are doing any "research" on this hormone, then your obvious errors and ignorance of human physiology lead me to believe that you have little or no formal training in medicine, biology, or endocrinology. Thus, any advice you give on this matter may be suspect.
I am ignorant in this respect. Maybe we have differing opinions on the definition of the word "research". One person may believe that research is something done only by people with University qualifications? I am researching for the benefit of my own health and simply sharing my findings, albeit mixed with a lack of understanding of physiology and appropriate terminology.
What this comes down to is my sharing my own experiences with my personal experimentation and success. I have nothing to gain financially or professionally and have no interest in notariety. People have every right to heal themselves and share ideas.
And what are your qualifications? Not that they really interest me. People need to empower themselves with their own healing.
"If you can, help others. If you cannot, do no harm".
The Dalai Lama
I have been researching this for a year, almost exlusively. I have not felt ready to share my findings and experiences until now. Though my understanding of physiology etc is thin, there is nothing wrong with sharing findings and personal experiences. Is that not what this website is for? It is interesting to read so many threads on Oxytocin and I did not come across much resistance to people exploring pharmaceuticals and synthetic Oxytocin.
"If you can, help others. If you cannot, do no harm".
The Dalai Lama
I'm NT and I love Oxytocin and I believe it keeps me happy. I want to be happy so I like to try and make lots of it.
In the last year I think I've become aware of it and how to make it, its a very particular 'whoosh' . I dont just mean orgasms and having babies, although they have taught me to recognise the feeling in more everyday circumstances.

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You know, something that holds true for me here - I hope its not getting too personal - but my birth was complicated in the sense that my mom was in for 44 hours before a C section was given. I found out from my dad that she was given oxytocin constantly and in high doses; he's always wondered if the overdose did something. It's a good question, and I've wondered if there might be something to that.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
I've only found one group, in Sydney, who are aware of "the dark side of oxytocin" (<-that's a link). Notice that they explain it as an 'approach related' effect rather than an in-group/out-group effect, which is what I think it is.
Pastafarian, Oxytocin exists in every single Homo Sapien and other mammals so I'm very glad to hear of your experiences and experiments. I am always happy to hear of people taking charge of their own bodies and trying things which they feel will help them lead a full life. I think we could all benefit from listening to our bodies more. We on the spectrum are at a great advantage there being somewhat independent from external "noise". I would love to hear more about your personal findings my friend.
Techstepgenera8tion that is fascinating. Do you have any theories? What came to my mind immediately was the tendency for many drugs to, rather than mimic or replace certain functions or substances in the body, they will stimulate existing processes. Maybe this is what that particular synthetic formulation did at the time you were born? I am very interested in hearing more on your thoughts and feelings. It is certainly true that Oxytocin is shared with the baby during pregnancy and breast feeding. (I have not yet been able to learn how Oxytocin the hormone becomes Oxytocin plasma but I do know that Oxytocin plasma is sent by the body down to the cervix to aid women in child birth. Maybe your Mothers reserves were stimulated in the brain, "converted" into plasma and sent to the cervix? I am not yet certain what would have happened to it after you were born. It's all a bit sketchy but I feel I'm getting close. Thank you for sharing.
Fraac your interpretation of the article is interesting but I'm not quite following. Can you elaborate? Does it have something to do with how some people respond to a specific scenario as opposed to how they think and feel toward people generally? I guess we are complex creatures. We have higher selves and lower selves. At times we can be humanitarian when we feel safe to be so and at times if we feel threatened we can be very exclusive.
"If you can, help others. If you cannot, do no harm".
The Dalai Lama
Try it and you might see what I mean. My experiments with oxytocin gave me a pre-conscious awareness of who was 'in' and who was 'out', with commensurate warm feelings for the first group and hostility to the rest. Here's the researchers' hypothesis:
As nonautistics they lack conscious awareness of social hierarchies so it doesn't occur to them, instead they invoke 'approach related emotions'. I've written to them about this, but I suspect it may be impossible for nonautistics to have the perspective to understand.
As nonautistics they lack conscious awareness of social hierarchies so it doesn't occur to them, instead they invoke 'approach related emotions'. I've written to them about this, but I suspect it may be impossible for nonautistics to have the perspective to understand.
I know tens and tens of nonautistics who have a strong conscious awareness of social hierarchies, smart, sensitive folk who aren't tuned out - your hanging out with the wrong nonautistics!

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I'd agree, most NT's I know are similarly in the "Wow, this sucks but...whatever... I'll make lemonade with the lemons I've got" type of mindset. It really seems almost take someone who's barely ever had to lift a finger for social approval or to be chased by the opposite sex not to get it (and we've had friends like that in my group occasionally where you see not only that their success not only runs roughshod right over em but they're utterly confused when what works for them doesn't work for other people).
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
I'd agree, most NT's I know are similarly in the "Wow, this sucks but...whatever... I'll make lemonade with the lemons I've got" type of mindset. .
My partner used to think that because he felt like an outsider and could sense social structures so clearly, that NTs couldn't see there were "in groups and out groups". But I could always sense them and I'm NT. Any person can stand back and see whats wrong, and they can feel it at pre-conscious level, then analyse it afterwards, its just maturity. Its nothing to do with neurotypes, its horizons and life experience. He was living in "sofa city' with a very limited circle of friends, too similar, most of them were watching TV, so they had tuned out of life. Now he has a vibrant circle of people around him from loads of different perspective, educated, foreign, different cultures, young and old. (And I spend my life trying to make Oxytocin for him. He says he had never felt it before.

Fraac that is really interesting. If I get you correctly, it is more about the person on the "outside" wanting in rather than the other way round? So how does this explain the psychology of the people "in" the desired group and how they react to outsiders? It makes perfect sense to me. Perhaps it is so ingrained in modern culture that everyone knows there are "ins" and "outs" and that at this particular time they find themselves "in"? So the mechanism in the mind is less about the base emotions elicited by Oxytocin and more about gloating? Or are they simply the two sides of the same coin? (I'm feeling it is the latter).
And Pastafarian, I'm with you there. I feel fortunate to have come across communities of people who do not fit the exclusive NT mould. It is my opinion that Oxytocin appears to affect the base emotions associated with safety and security. But we are complex creatures and have free will and intelligence to recognise when we are being base creatures. So we may not always be ruled by the emotions associated with Oxytocin. Just as someone on the spectrum, assuming that there is a correlation between Oxytocin and ASD's, can appreciate the value of intimacy.
And Techstepgenera8tion, I can certainly relate to what you wrote. I have many women take interest in me. It happens ALL the time. I'm convinced it's the attitude/body language that I am my own person and am self sufficient and dance to the beat of my own drum. I notice it in their eyes. Unfortunately I do not have the knowhow to follow through so just enjoy the attention.
(I have tried a number of times but it is utterly exhausting. Life improved for me considerably when I gave up on "chasing" women).
To some extent I was always independent but I was never wholly grounded and self loving.
(These two things have been considerable in my bid to increase Oxytocin by the way!).
"If you can, help others. If you cannot, do no harm".
The Dalai Lama