SharonB wrote:
I suspected that left-handedness is more common in ASD, as are other differences (and co-morbids) like synesthesia. Dr. Google confirms both ...
I tried to find if reddish hair is more often correlated with Autism, and can't. LOL. Every redhead I know is ND. Haven't met a typical redhead yet. I've been told by nurses that we're known as "bleeders" and sure enough I've had more than my fair share of hemorrhages. The nurse didn't say anything about Autism.
I'd never heard that before about "bleeders" and red hair
but that explains everything!
I have auburn red hair. I'm highly ND, I have extreme synesthaesia, and I'm a bleeder who has had haemorrhages and strokes because of a genetic blood clotting disorder. My auburn-haired daughter (preemie because of my haemorrhage), is also ASD, an artist, and left-handed.
My redhead auntie was left-handed and she died of a blood cancer / disorder.
lol - Likely all a coincidence, but very interesting.
I was around 30 when I got my first pair of very weak reading glasses. I didn't start wearing glasses full-time until about age 45. My daughter has a low prescription for reading but barely ever wears glasses (age 25). My mother is 83 and doesn't wear glasses at all.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.