Raleigh wrote:
People will pick on anything, you can't win.
Yeah I think this could explain it. Joe 90 I feel your pain as I go through similar things. These things hurt, especially for Autistic people who may have tendencies to ruminate on things, and have trouble clearing these things out of their heads afterwards. That would be people like me, and maybe people like you.
I can only guess and imagine what may be happening in your case. You say you feel self conscious, Feeling this way can be noticeable by the perceptive and eagle eyed, and some mean people may pick up on this and sometimes glance / look / or stare as a result, just because it is amusing to them. Not all people all of the time but sometimes. And we notice and remember all these bad things.
Sometimes we may be paranoid, someone may have made a joke or comment that was not about us, just at that instant where they may or may not have been looking at us. If we are feeling a bit insecure or paranoid we will assume they were laughing at us.
I have a tendency to be self conscious too, and I've had similar reactions to the above.
When feeling self conscious and or paranoid I have to remind myself that it is normal to be looked at. It shows that I exist. If feeling self conscious we may come across as stilted or uncomfortable. or it may leak out in other ways that I cant describe or explain.
All of this along with social anxiety has lead to me using certain medications / drugs which help me massively. Not that I would flippantly recommend any one to go down this route as it can cause problems of it's own. But it can help some people. It has helped me.