Cobracommander44 wrote:
Hey I feel ya. I have been clinically depresses since I was a teenager (am 31 now) and I always am told the same stuff like im not doing things right. I just try to shrugg it off and try to find things that make me happy. Some people have told me different coping mechanisms and self help tools. I may try some
Try the things that feel good to you. It´s not always easy to welcome changes but they are there all the time and we live at a time where people don´t welcome what feels dreadful and they don´t celebrate it as some passage ritual in their lives. Sometimes I try things out of desperation which I would, otherwise, never have tried. The point is to make peace with these dreadful hours by accepting them I think, while removing what we can (and it´s not always possible) from the whole world out there.
I think of the people in a distant past that just might have left their depressed alone, until they got themselves right. Some, if not many natives ( I write about the part of my family which descends from native americans) are just peaceful and don´t think bad at all when some people experience important existential shifts. Often it comes with gifts. Today we are rushed inside and outside our heads. It´s just a picture I have in my mind, of many so called "primitive" cultures around the globe. Maybe I am not right about this but I write based on things that I read and many that I remember from my childhood.
That's some interesting things you said. Yeah I'm trying to find new things to do that interest me. But alot of my childhood is the basis for mine as well. But in not sure of my family history.