kraftiekortie wrote:
People say “I feel this way sometimes as well” as a way of assuring the person that they are “not alone.” It’s a matter of identifying with another person. I see nothing wrong in this.
It might not “solve the problem”— but it just might make a person feel better that other people could relate to them.
I am aware that other people here have expressed this sentiment. I am concurring with them.
Many times, I come here to have fun. WrongPlanet does not have to be serious 100% of the time. With all that is going on in the world, a little levity is always good.
Thanks for mentioning the thing about bring serious.
I guess it is easy to think that when starting threads about ASD you have to be what you call serious. But the question "do you also experince?" Is very interesting because of one thing.
When you start a thread asking this question it sounds like you are saying that a certain experince you have is due to ASD. I'm not sure all the threads focus on specific autism related subjects...but I am not complaining at all. I have told you my thoughts on it.
There are thread about medication. My first reaction was "is this even on ASD topic?".
I can honestly tell you that I was in a ASD discussion group many years ago and some people started talking about ADHD. That's not ASD to me.
There are of course people who have both diagnoses and so it is difficult to not mention it but it is always difficult to know what a discussion or forum about is all about.