Elgee wrote:
Two things: First, it seems, from a logic common sense perspective, that the first thing NTs assume about someone who averts eye contact in conversation is that they're very timid, basfhul, skittish, insecure, etc. Many, if not most, conversations in day to day life are predicated on either social enjoyment/entertainment or non-crucial information exchange. Therefore, the premise of honesty and trustworthyness are way down the list. For example if a woman in the gym locker room starts small talk with me, and I avert eye contact, she's not going to think, "Hmmm, this woman is a liar and can't be trusted." Instead, she's going to think, "Hmmm, this woman is really, really shy, awkward and totally lacking self-confidence."
This is probably one of the differences between males and females. Around the age of around 12, males undergo severe physical and mental attacks by young NT males. I was attacked daily for three years at school. Their attacks were brutal. They were always a herd of young boys who worked together as a team. I was a longer. They always attack loners or they drive away their friends and make them into loners. The experience that females encounter are very different. Generally it is not physical attacks.