y-pod wrote:
Problem solving is one of my finest skills. I get almost excited when stuff don't work and I need to figure them out or fix them.
Since I'm on the extroverted side of the spectrum, I have a similar skill on talking. I always have an answer for every question. Quite often when I start a sentence I didn't know what I was going to say, but things just come to my lips in a second and they're usually quite sensible.
My dad was like that, too. He had an important job and was used to answering all sorts of questions. I don't know if that makes me less or more qualified as an aspie.
How is having difficulties fun? How is struggling to do something fun at all?
Jakki wrote:
Autodidact = observing others problem solving and applying it to possible situations,that confront someone.(a Aspie)
And using masking mimicry skills . I register the info and copy it .But i do not actually think of it as problem solving.
It just becomes part of the information, i might absorb.
Sometimes , i come upon things that might be beyond my range of imagination. ( based on all previous experiences)
So inspite of all my wishes for things to be solved. It seems I am stuck in a learning pattern. Might not be able to resolve a issue until such time that , More information comes to me that might apply to a resolution. But I have to be able to process that info. So I can learn it . ( maybe apply it). By No means do I get all these things all together at one time always.
So solving problems takes time and some of us just want to solve it right now even if that won't work??
But with frustration I thikk itnis like this: we think everyhing will be easy but then suddenly we are experience a problem/isssue. Some of us are really bad at not having our expectations met. We then get really irritted or upset. And that messes up our problem solving skills.
I thin emotions sometime get in the eay for many of us. At other times we are just not good enought at the subject. Then we have to get help from a teacher. Then our interest becomes social and we have to deal with a teacher-student relationship.
What do you say?