Why are pepole with disabilites so marginalized?

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03 Oct 2023, 11:18 am

MuddRM wrote:
carlos55 wrote:
Depends what you mean by disabilities and being Marginalized

Those with disabilities usually cant work or have to devote more of their energies to overcome the disability, which means they end up poor, tired or both.

Being poor or tired means you have to use up most of your time for basic survival with not much time, money or energy for other things

In otherwords, according to my brothers, you’re a lazy, good-for-nothing motherf!cker who deserves to die at any and all costs, just for being worse than useless.

Might consider that , these people that hold these ideas and concepts as true: Possibly need to be introduced to the Old WW2 Nazi concentration camp standards and method for dealing with such crazies. imho.

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03 Oct 2023, 3:38 pm

Jakki wrote:
The method of measuring IQ as a test for intelligence , does not adequately test innate intelligence . 8)
ie. non verbal 7 yr old Aspie doing 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles in 3 hours solid uninterrupted. No reading or writing abilities even . Up to last i knew over 30 years gone past . :heart:

ID people don't take a standard IQ test to be diagnosed, i.e identify the next in the sequence or spot the odd one out.

The only thing in common in the IQ test of ID people and a standard IQ test, is the word IQ and a number

Below 70 its bands of life skill capability where an arbitrary number is given within bands.

I.e can use money to buy a loaf of bread and walk around town & find their way home IQ 60-70.

Cannot use a toilet or be alone for more than 10 min and other things IQ below 40

In the bands itself any number can be given an assessor might say 60 if bottom of a band or 69 if at the top.

But someone with autism with associated ID is going to be very marginalized, sorry that's the truth

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03 Oct 2023, 6:18 pm

It's totally Darwinian. Only the strong survive, that's how it is in the animal kingdom , so it it must be the same for humans. In the wild animals that are disabled, weak, sick or old usually end up eaten by predators. In some animal species the young murder their weaker and smaller siblings to ensure their own survival. But wait, you say "Yeah, but we're not animals"? Well we are, even if most humans hate to admit it. That thing I just mentioned about animal siblicide will as no surprise to people who grew up with an older sibling. Supposedly humans have the intelligence and sense of morality to feel all people have the right to live a good life no matter what, but if the world had its way, disabled people would all still be locked away from society and treated like demons.

The Pacifier Award goes to the human race, because it sucks. :twisted:

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03 Oct 2023, 6:45 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
It's totally Darwinian. Only the strong survive, that's how it is in the animal kingdom , so it it must be the same for humans...

The Pacifier Award goes to the human race, because it sucks. :twisted:

It sure is hard not to think that way, isn't it?

But as I wrote earlier, it hasn't always been this way. A good breakdown of this is in the book "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity", written by anthropologist David Graeber, and archaeologist David Wengrow.


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03 Oct 2023, 9:34 pm

me thinks the mechanism behind the IQ test is the problem . It does not measure true intelligence . It is jaded test ..
Its nice and all i guess for people to have someway to guage themselves against other .But it appears to be a test based on bias circumstancial evidence . Given The spread of diversity of peoples capabilities on the spectrum . Is not really measureably accurate for all person on the spectrum. IQ of Spectrum people and NT people, I do not believe can be fairly compared. IMHO. Obviously many Spectrum people can stand up to standards of testing of IQ . But obviously some cannot , but some exceed by a long ways than others, NTs whatever .
" You might not use a yard stick to measure a Micron .. But within the Micron measure is another entire world of sizes and distances" ( down to the sub-atomic )but all are ""functional "" matter operating at their own levels .
Possibly levels another cannot see ..
Hope a comparison here can be drawn..cause I aint got many more ways to break it down .
Some folk cannot read or write . But they can track game aswell as a bloodhound .How they gonna do on a IQ test.?
But as always it is merely my own observations.And not to say,i do not respect IQ tests.

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