Is wearing always the same clothes an Aspie trait?

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04 Oct 2023, 6:39 am

I didn't know there was more than one clothe.

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04 Oct 2023, 10:42 am

There are days were I will wear the same shirt 2 days in a row I will forget to change it in the morning because I get doing things and the change shirt gets forgotten. I try to take a shower every other day so I change for sure then.

For me is it mainly Graphic T-Shirts and I like Cargo Pants I have old Military ones I have been using.

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06 Oct 2023, 8:56 pm

Yes I tend to run my clothes into the ground. I usually buy second-hand trousers and shirts (cheaper and possibly more ethical), so unfortunately I can't buy several identical items at a time. I'd probably have a bit more fun with different clothes if it were easier to find items that had nothing wrong with them, but to me most clothes these days look idiotic and don't fit properly or feel right, and I get bored looking for needles in haystacks. Then there's the cost - there's always something else I'd rather do with the money. As long as I look reasonably presentable, anything beyond that is just an unnecessary frill.


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06 Oct 2023, 9:39 pm

Relative to laundry reduction I would wear the same thing every day. Relative to comfort I would wear the same thing every day. However, I am sensory-seeking and my personal hygiene isn't great, so I like to and have to change. Currently I'm a fan of solid cotton shirts in a variety of winter colors. I have one bath towel, one bowl, one plate and one tea mug I reuse. Minimalistic when I can be.

Huckleberry Finn

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07 Oct 2023, 6:54 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I didn't know there was more than one clothe.

Your consideration is very nice!

I choose Italian clothes that are perfect.

Except that after fashion shows, there are people who call themselves stockists.

Sometimes you find things even from big fashion brands that cost less than Chinese or Indian t-shirts that all have holes in the bottom part (how strange).

Then, you know, using a dress that a model wore for a fashion show and which was worth a lot of money and buying it for 39 euros simply makes you smile.

Sometimes I find jeans or other things for 1 euro in clothing markets.

In my opinion they don't even know what they are selling.

You need to know how to choose, because there are some that are flawed.

But others don't.

They are branded, but already used in fashion shows.

So then with consumerism they immediately give them either to Caritas (ethical choice) or to the markets.

The point is that you can find an exceptional dress created just for the international fashion show, therefore unique in the world.

There are also fashion shows for "curvy" people, with models outside the canons of thinness, but all beautiful, so anyone can find the right size.

They have accustomed us to waste and throw everything away after a short while.

However, it can be recycled and this is a very convenient way to do it.


I always think of an African football player who was made fun of because he was walking around with a cell phone with a broken glass.

He replied that that was fine anyway. And that if he wanted he could buy luxury cars or something else.

But he instead helped his people, with hospitals, and education and food.

I then wonder what the use is of people who think like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

I understand that it's their money but it makes sense to me.

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07 Oct 2023, 7:03 am

I’d say .. yes it is ! !


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07 Oct 2023, 7:06 am

Yes because I'm not really interested in clothes, fashion, how I look. If I look neat and tidy, that's fine. Being a woman of course, I get judged if I don't have wonderful, different outfits on every day, but I care less and less as I get older.

I tend to have a bunch of clothes out, and mix and match every day to fool people. haha.

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07 Oct 2023, 7:36 am

My wardrobe consists of:

1 black coat
1 black fleece jacket
1 black padded body warmer

3 pairs black trainers (all the same)
3 pairs of black 'Toms' canvas shoes

3 black sweatshirts
9 black t shirts
9 pairs black briefs
9 pairs black socks

3 pairs blue jeans

1 pair swimming trunks
2 pairs of black pyjama bottoms

I wear the same clothing whatever I am doing - work, leisure whatever. I attended a formal reception at the UK Houses of Lords and wore exactly the same clothing I wear when I walk the dog on the beech.

For very occasional use I have gold and sparkly jackets - usually for 'Pride' events.

Also - I occasionally cross dress - usually for events or special occasions so have a small selection of 'female' clothing. The appearance is congruent with my neutral clothing - black top, black mini, black tights and black shoes. I only have one of each of these as its not daily wear.

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07 Oct 2023, 6:31 pm

KitLily wrote:
Yes because I'm not really interested in clothes, fashion, how I look. If I look neat and tidy, that's fine. Being a woman of course, I get judged if I don't have wonderful, different outfits on every day, but I care less and less as I get older.

I tend to have a bunch of clothes out, and mix and match every day to fool people. haha.

Where they are now, girls are hardly judged by how they dress.

Here everything is functional.

They walk around even without a lick of makeup.

Generally without heels, but with sports shoes, that's it: simple sports or casual clothing, nothing more.

I like this very much.

In my hometown, however, you always had to go around in your best look.

Here: here they really don't care.

In theory I like to dress well.

But in practice, yes, I always seem very careful about being tidy.

The key thing is to be clean.

Then, for years I always wore the same things. And I wasn't interested in fashions at all.

Among other things, I have always noticed that we like ourselves better as we are, rather than in unlikely clothes that don't belong to us.

The only exception was my long hair.

Now for practicality I wear them quite short.

A few things struck me from your responses in this seemingly light-hearted discussion.

Because then, people rate you highly on non-verbal language.

So how do you present yourself.

My mother and father were models for photographers.

They left me some very beautiful photographs.

Then something else prevailed.

It's a shame because previously it was only considered a youthful parenthesis.

Then afterwards it stopped.

Many of my classmates told me that I always dressed identically.

In fact it happens even now.

If it weren't for the girls, I wouldn't have even realized it.

In Italy there is a peculiarity.

People are taught aesthetics, I mean in every field of application, from fashion to art (art studies are compulsory for at least three years, including artistic education, so you must know many sectors, from photographs to paintings, for short However, here there is a sort of sense of artistic beauty which is not merely the look, but the history of art.

In many aspects our school trains people very well.

When I chose electronics, I studied mathematics, logic, algebra, I had three professors of electronics, Italian, mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical drawing, law, political economy, history, literature (with us this means the teaching of literature and yes also studies the foreign one); etymology (Latin and Greek).
I'm definitely forgetting something.

This leads us to be 6th in the world on IQ when compared to education and seventh on average natural world IQ.

That is, even in people with less education.

Regarding the answer you provided, Kit Lily, girls are better at understanding color.

This is evidenced by published studies, scientifically.

On average a man sees only 1 million colours. To give an example, a research evaluated a woman who clearly perceives 100 million.

My testing skills manage to outline 80% of the color differences, almost imperceptible.

I get to 80%, in two tests I failed.
The usual explanation for tetrachromacy is that the organism's retina contains four types of higher intensity light receptors (called cone cells in vertebrates as opposed to rods, which are lower intensity light receptors) with different spectral sensitivity. This means that the organism can see wavelengths longer than typical human vision and may be able to distinguish colors that, to a normal human, appear identical. Species with tetrachromatic color vision may have an unknown physiological advantage.

So when you match clothes colors you do it using particular intelligence.

Here everything you do must have an aesthetic.

Sia also had it in school.

But also in university subjects that require handwriting.

If everything isn't very tidy, the professors don't even evaluate it.

If you write a thesis in certain subjects it must be written perfectly, otherwise it will be rejected.

Previously, fashion was mainly French.

Then we started by becoming leaders in that world market.

Some stylists have stellar revenues.

In general, they especially reduce models to becoming like walking mannequins, they have to be very thin to wear those clothes.

This is for the absolute elite sector.

The rest of fashion is changing so it has also opened up models that differ from Western aesthetic canons and also in terms of silhouette.

So a fashion for normal or fatter people who previously couldn't find a way to dress other than tailor-made, but now they can.

For an autistic person, image doesn't matter much in these things.

I realized it when they pointed it out to me, however, first and on my own I couldn't understand it, in fact it honestly didn't matter to me at all.

I was interested in geometric and mathematical perfection in things, which then led to heavy OCD that I overcame on my own.

Nothing happens before a dream.
(Carl Sandburg)

Huckleberry Finn

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07 Oct 2023, 6:53 pm

Velorum wrote:
My wardrobe consists of:

1 black coat
1 black fleece jacket
1 black padded body warmer

3 pairs black trainers (all the same)
3 pairs of black 'Toms' canvas shoes

3 black sweatshirts
9 black t shirts
9 pairs black briefs
9 pairs black socks

3 pairs blue jeans

1 pair swimming trunks
2 pairs of black pyjama bottoms

I wear the same clothing whatever I am doing - work, leisure whatever. I attended a formal reception at the UK Houses of Lords and wore exactly the same clothing I wear when I walk the dog on the beech.

For very occasional use I have gold and sparkly jackets - usually for 'Pride' events.

Also - I occasionally cross dress - usually for events or special occasions so have a small selection of 'female' clothing. The appearance is congruent with my neutral clothing - black top, black mini, black tights and black shoes. I only have one of each of these as its not daily wear.

I also really like the black color: it's elegant.

I had a lot of black things that my partner made disappear.

In art education the teacher insisted that I color my drawings.

I refused.

They were in black and white.

And so I left them, my average dropped to a 7 (A grade in Italy goes from or to 10).

Then I moved on to using colours, because the techniques absolutely required them.

I got them very close to the maximum mark

I love Henri Cartier-Bresson style black and white photographs.
For a few years I replaced 5 moderators on a photography forum.

I was passionate about photography,

Including photos of Marilyn Monroe.

Which excelled in both colored and black and white ones.

I know of some collections that have not been published, others in a limited way.

Once I posted and received a special quote from a very famous artist called Ermanno Olmi.

It was on a photo of Marilyn M.

In fact she was beautiful.
The last ones on the beach are also very beautiful, she was wearing a sweater.

I think 1962 I'm just going from memory.

Black is also considered a color because the pigments are combined to reproduce it on paper. On a technical level, however, black and white are not colors, but rather shades, as they strengthen the colors.
I adore Michelangelo Merisi, Caravaggio.

Nothing happens before a dream.
(Carl Sandburg)

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07 Oct 2023, 7:23 pm

I have:

1 one suit-coat
1 black and white plaid shirt
1 pair black slacks
1 pair black socks
1 pair black dress shoes.

At home, I wear nothing because I am a nudist.

I have 5 t-shirts for non formal things (shopping, church, etc)
I have 3 pair of jeans for cold weather
3 pairs of shorts for warm weather.

I only put clothes on to go out, and when I get home I remove them, so they get maybe an hour or two wear
on the days I go out. (I am retired, so don't go to work). Consequently, in a normal week I may go out 3 or 4
times, and I just wear the same clothes each time. At the end of the week, they get washed and the next
t-shirt and pants get worn. I try to rotate all the t-shirts and shorts so one set doesn't get worn out (I don't like
having to buy replacements), but I have to admit I do have one favorite gray t-shirt that does get worn more
than the others, and it's starting to show pinholes in the back :cry:

Broader autism cluster (Aspie) score: 139 of 200 Your neurotypical score: 60 of 200
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........................If God meant for us to go around naked, we'd have been born that way........................

Huckleberry Finn

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07 Oct 2023, 9:05 pm

I like this differentiation of blacks by Silvia Conti (Art restorer, in our country they are often women)

A friend of mine worked on the mosaics of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice.

Unfortunately you can touch them at the top and ruin them...

Is black a color?

Probably yes, but maybe not. It is not easy to interpret since black is often defined as a “visual experience”. Optics and physics define it this way

I'll explain; Black are defined as those pigments that have the ability to absorb light, the more they absorb it the blacker they appear. As a result, it is difficult for us to understand precisely which colors we are faced with.

In the RGB scale black is equal to zero; zero red, zero green and zero blue, the exact opposite of white which represents the maximum expression of colours, black the minimum, or rather the absence

Black has something magical and scary about it at the same time. It is in fact that pigment which, even in the presence of light, gives us the effect or experience of total darkness, of the night. It absorbs, retains and sucks in all the light onto its surface, even in broad daylight. Black pigments and objects colored by such pigments constitute a permanent and invincible corner of night at any time of day.

It scares and attracts at the same time, and it is no coincidence that there is a rich symbolism connected to the color black. Often of a negative nature, but also of elegance and austerity.

Those who paint know that the color black has immense power, if used wisely it can make the message of a work unique and powerful, used inappropriately or excessively it can kill the work itself.

In this regard it makes me think of great artists who have used black wisely, making their works magnetic and powerful, there are many but the first that come to mind are Mario Sironi and Emilio Vedova. Two painters who used a lot of black and managed to master it, a truly difficult task.

They are works from different eras with different artistic messages and yet they have a single denominator of the powerful attraction that the use of black exerts. These and many other considerations could be made about black.

In the colors of everyday materials, black is widely used, even in light colors, a minimum quantity of black often guarantees color stability.

But as always I deal with restoration matters, therefore with tangible materials, and I will analyze the main black pigments that are used and encountered in restoration.

The black pigments available on the market are divided into the following categories

Black pigments of organic animal origin
Black pigments of organic mineral or vegetable origin
Synthetic inorganic black pigments
Vine black

Vine black is a natural pigment of organic mineral origin, it is obtained from the burning and subsequent liming of wood and vine tendrils. It is a warm black, very diluted and tends towards an earthy colour. It has a very fine grain size, has good coloring power and mixes very well with any mixture, especially if water-based. It has great stability to light, perfectly compatible with hydrated lime, in the restoration field... it never lets you down. It has been used since ancient times and traces of it can be found on fresco and oil wall paintings, without interruption up to the present day.

Ivory Black

Ivory black is a natural pigment of animal origin resulting from the burning and processing of ivory (in ancient times) and animal bones (in the present day). It is a cold black, very diluted and tends towards violet blue. It has a very fine grain size with an almost velvety effect, a medium coloring power and good light stability. It has a low specific weight, in fact it floats on water. It has a good use in restoration

Carbon Black or German

Carbon black is a natural organic pigment, mostly of plant origin but there are also animal variants. In fact this pigment, which the ancients also called carbon black, derives from the burning and processing of wood, wax, resins, fats and other materials. It has a variable derivation and for this reason it is difficult to precisely define its peculiar characteristics. When used for restoration it can have variable results depending on its composition and is therefore not safe. It is a very widespread pigment since ancient times, it is very opaque and resistant to light.

Black Rome

Roma black is a pigment of natural mineral origin, in fact it derives from the grinding of hard coal and more specifically from earthy lignite, a hard coal at a slightly advanced stage of carbonization and sedimentation. It is a poor material, as is the pigment derived from it (Roma black). Not much black, it is in fact vaguely greyish, not very opaque, not very colourful, and moderately resistant to light. However, it finds good compatibility with the restoration materials. Roma black has also been used since ancient times.

Graphite Black

Graphite black is a natural mineral pigment, it derives from the crushing of the mineral of the same name. The same one from which the graphite of drawing pencils derives. It appears greyish, shiny and greasy to the touch. Very beautiful for the iridescent effects typical of the mineral from which it derives. Very difficult to dissolve in aqueous compounds, not very resistant to light and not recommended for use in the restoration field, also due to the content, albeit partial, of iron oxide, which is absolutely unstable.

Black Oxide

Oxide black, also commonly called Mars black, is an inorganic mineral pigment derived from the synthesis process of iron oxide. It has a very high coloring and covering power, a high resistance to light but is completely inadequate for the needs of restoration as, like all oxides, it finds chemical stability only through firing or if immersed in acrylic or synthetic compounds. Coming into contact with the alkalinity of hydrated lime is absolutely unpredictable and risky.

Black of Spain

A pigment now unobtainable but very widespread from the industrial revolution until the mid-20th century is obtained from the burning and calcination of cork. A pigment with a very fine and light grain size but not very resistant to light and unsuitable for restoration. This pigment can be found in some tempera or dry wall paintings from the early 1900s

Manganese black

Manganese black is an inorganic mineral pigment derived from a synthetic process. Basically a manganese dioxide. Today it is very widespread in tempera preparations as it is a waste product of industrial chemical processing. Not recommended for restoration


Bitumen is not in fact a pigment but a blackish oily compound with which every restorer sooner or later comes into contact, just think of all the glazes on ancient paintings obtained with this thin compound. It is derived from waxes and oils mixed with dust and smoky residue. It was dissolved in oil or waxes and had the characteristic of slightly blackening the treated surfaces while maintaining a fair transparency. Its use can be observed in Giulio Romano's oil paintings, on antique furniture and in the shadows of gilded frames.

Charcoal and Fusaggine

They cannot properly be defined as pigments, they are drawing and dusting materials. Natural charcoal is called charcoal from the name of the plant from which it derives, very crumbly and soft and often retains the shape of charred charcoal sticks. Inconsistent, soft and crumbly, it is equally volatile once traced on paper. Charcoal is more compact and can have various components, often canonized elements such as spindle, vine or willow, as well as anthracite and animal glue, all compressed into sticks with a round square section. They are more compact but equally difficult to store over time. Not due to the resistance of black to light, but rather due to the poor binder they are characterized by. They are not used in restoration, but are often encountered in the restoration of paper and in the traces of dusting of some frescoes.


This is also not a pigment but a compound derived from the pigment used for specific drawing or painting techniques. The oldest and perhaps most famous is China ink, it comes from the East and is composed of carbon black, organic binder and water. Unlike charcoal, it is absolutely indelible. Printing ink differs from India ink or writing ink as it comes in a paste and not in an aqueous solution. It is characterized by a highly variable compound which includes pigments, suspended synthetic or mineral dyes, blended into a paste with petroleum derivatives. It is indelible. It constitutes a very important chapter for paper restorers.

These are the blacks that came to mind, but there are many others and if you want to contribute, add them in the comments

Texts by SilviaConti©Restauro
The color of my hair was a very strange black, it turned blue in both perceptible and imperceptible ways.

I remember the compliments from my classmates.

It has now changed to a less intense black.

I recognized the slightest differences.


I once took professional tests on the green and black scales.

The variations were imperceptible.

I had ten for different series and other tests whose details I don't remember.

I don't know how he understood.

I repeated the test several times and the result was identical, even in finding hidden numbers or letters, they were almost invisible, some people wrote were difficult to understand, but I didn't find any difficulty in those.

It is interesting to understand what the eyes see consciously.

Because they perceive it even when we are not conscious at all.

On a black color scale I would have definitely had difficulty understanding them

Black absorbs, not repels.

And according to a fruitful line of psychological investigation, he attracts.

In four-colour process, black is the set of all colours, while in the light spectrum it is their total absence.

It is not known what colors black hides. It is the color of mystery.

Certainly charcoal is indispensable for outlining drawings, for defining shadows, for chiseling contours and highlighting thicknesses.

It gives three-dimensionality.

Black absorbs, not repels.

As if the sun longs for sunset, turning to the moonlight, a symbol of flowing water and promising shade and rest. “The alchemist, writes Augusto Vitale in Solve coagula ... synthesizes this idea with the image of the 'black light', the light that contains darkness”. Black in alchemy The nigredo, the "work in black", it is connected to the earth element, night and winter.

Essential to achieving the objective (the "opus") is the initial death and the subsequent putrefactio symbolized by sowing (the seed macerates in the earth).

For the seed to germinate it must in fact be buried in the earth throughout the winter.

This is the "Saturn regime", the "black" phase which alone covers half the cycle, just as the night covers half the day.

Many authors, after the nigredo, insert the seven-color phase of the Iris, because Iris is a messenger of peace.

And the colors of the iris, together, form white.

Black in modern societyBlack is the color of decision, of signature, of clarity.

When you want to state something with certainty, you write it down in black and white.

Any book printed with any other color ink would be unreadable.

Black is restful for the eyes.

While a white wall puts exhausting work on our focusing mechanisms, dark colors promote visual comfort.

Black is the color of luxury.

The most prestigious invitations are in black tie, evening dress, stockings with black lines.

And it is the color of seduction.

Black is the color of shadow, of darkness

But the identification of good and beautiful with light is crude.

In Apuleius' fable of Eros and Psyche, love thrives in the dark.

The most beautiful moment at the cinema is undoubtedly the one in which the lights are dimmed and darkness reigns in the room: that charge of expectation, which unleashes the imagination and gives us a foretaste of the show, is given to us by the black screen. black is the color of night.

The message it transmits to us contains elements of ancestral restlessness - the black cat which is a talisman, the cold, the darkness, the dangers of predators, but today "night" also means courage, unscrupulousness, fun and concentration, transgression.

And then, at the end, a little before dawn, the invitation to refresh yourself.

If someone experiences some of these elements with discomfort, he may have a certain distrust towards this color.

But he will certainly be convinced that attributing a unique meaning to his own perceptions is limiting, and precludes the possibility of enjoying many others.

Hidden in the darkness.


In alchemy, nigredo is the Black phase of the Great Work, that is, the initial step in the path of creation of the philosopher's stone, that of putrefaction and decomposition.

Nothing happens before a dream.
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09 Oct 2023, 12:09 pm

Huckleberry Finn wrote:

I also really like the black color: it's elegant.

I had a lot of black things that my partner made disappear.

In art education the teacher insisted that I color my drawings.

I refused.

They were in black and white.

And so I left them, my average dropped to a 7 (A grade in Italy goes from or to 10).

Then I moved on to using colours, because the techniques absolutely required them.

I got them very close to the maximum mark

I love Henri Cartier-Bresson style black and white photographs.
For a few years I replaced 5 moderators on a photography forum.

I was passionate about photography,

Including photos of Marilyn Monroe.

Which excelled in both colored and black and white ones.

I know of some collections that have not been published, others in a limited way.

Once I posted and received a special quote from a very famous artist called Ermanno Olmi.

It was on a photo of Marilyn M.

In fact she was beautiful.
The last ones on the beach are also very beautiful, she was wearing a sweater.

I think 1962 I'm just going from memory.

Black is also considered a color because the pigments are combined to reproduce it on paper. On a technical level, however, black and white are not colors, but rather shades, as they strengthen the colors.
I adore Michelangelo Merisi, Caravaggio.

I also like B&W photography - its been my hobby since the late 70's. I was our earlier this afternoon photographing some of the local sand dunes.

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Huckleberry Finn

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09 Oct 2023, 5:37 pm


I understand what you photographed.

The contrasts between light and shadow.

I was born there by the sea.

Some sand dunes were tens of meters high, then they built nearby without thinking


They made all the dunes disappear.

Some have colors like polenta, or are very white, or very fine pink.

On my island a beach is listed as number 5 in the world.<>Black and white, if well done, in my opinion is a work of art.

At 20 he took black and white photos with a terrible camera.

Developing them, I realized that I had photographed the sea, but it was like silver.


I don't know if I still have them in my house.

I was quoting Bresson, but there are already many examples. Before, I posted on Facebook for fun

The views grew, until the proposal to receive more followers.

It was enough to pay to access a larger user base.

I categorically refused.

For me it was relaxing

Not a desire to earn

In fact, then I lost the interest I had then.

Thinking in images I chose them from 10,000, only one per choice

It was clear that they were special choices.

But I scrolled for several minutes.

Then I posted.

I like art except 19th century art.

Now I'm not that far from a photographer who uses photography as painting

.It was done so well that he destroyed all the copies to make it unique in the world. The MC Color and Mc Black series is fantastic

It is not clear whether it is a photograph or a painting, because they look like paintings from the series except one. His photographic series embrace all techniques.

From color to black and white to other techniques it is unique in the world.

His name is Andreas Mc Muller and he is Italian.

I might go visit him one of these days, we live very close by.

Because he is brilliant

Years ago I was friends with several artists on Facebook, even non-photographers.

But also painters.

Of some, thanks to some of my peculiarities, I was able to understand what didn't appear in the painting. The strange thing was that they were surprised.

Lights and shadows, but also where they came from, and what type of fruit for example... in our country there are fruits that are first and second "thrown", that is, they ripen in different periods.

In theory they are identical. I also caught that detail. He is amazed. Another was Thai, I called him the wizard of light.

But also others who are women with exceptional qualities.

Some Italian women have, as I wrote, an immense ability to understand images.

Generally in just 5 years of study some become exceptional. I lost the account and contacts at that time.

Keep in mind that there were about 4 thousand.

From all over the world. Including dictatorships. Even China and Iran.

In that nation color predominated. And the materials used were also cherry (wood).

On the photos I love those of Marylin because she pierced the screen (that is, she was special).

I've seen about twenty years of them. The last ones were in black and white.

At the seaside, wearing a simple sweater, shortly before her death.

Then I have other examples, which I couldn't put in the posts because they weren't in the social media standards. Some artists, I also like sculpture (where perhaps I have talent, they say);

I met them by chance

.One had so many carved stones that were in different locations. I didn't even know who he was. I realized that he was talented and I told him so.

He began to smile.

He was internationally quoted. He dedicated 2 hours to me. I saw about 4 thousand sculptures.

Then came Italian TV, and before me there was the most famous Italian art critic.

Some of his sculptures are called ninnadoras. They move with the flow of watercourses.

But they don't stop anymore.

He was also an art journalist. Very grumpy. All works on stone carved and left in very large courtyards.

Another example of genius is Iago, a very good sculptor.

He admires works of art like

The veiled Christ, San Severo Chapel in Naples, the anatomical machines, alchemy, which I went to see.

Nothing happens before a dream.
(Carl Sandburg)


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09 Oct 2023, 5:41 pm

Plenty of neurotypicals always wear the same clothes


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09 Oct 2023, 5:43 pm

Huckleberry Finn wrote:
I also really like the black color: it's elegant.

Me too, though I like dark colours as well. I'd love to know why. I've heard that dark clothes make people look thinner, especially black, but I'm fairly thin already so I don't think it's that.