Ah, if you had written this prettier, you might have had a semi-valid complaint.
PoptartQueen wrote:
Why is it that you think that anyone without Aspergers is "normal"?
That's pretty close-minded.
'I believe the term NT is misleading. It appears that most people on this board refer to anyone not on the spectrum as "nuero
typical", which gives the impression that you believe that AS is the only abnormality.'
PoptartQueen wrote:
What about people with ADHD? Non-Verbal learning disorder? (which I have) Clinical Depression?
'This is not true. There are several other types of disorders such as (but not limited to) ADHD, NVLD, and depression. They are not typical either.'
PoptartQueen wrote:
There are people with much worse off mental disabilities than you.
'In fact, AS is not the worst disorder. By referring to everyone else as an "NT" - which has the meaning normal seemingly attached to it in many cases - you are belittling those who live with different abnormalities.'
PoptartQueen wrote:
Also, avoiding the "NT World"? Running away from real life, you mean?
'While it's hard for many on the spectrum to adjust to the way others live, it is necessary to a certain extent. The majority of people are not AS or otherwise. Forcing them to live like you would like live is not only impractical, it's hypocritical. In order to best utilize your talents, you should try to accept the difference between your worlds and strive to compromise. Being completely unyielding will not get you far.'
PoptartQueen wrote:
Aspies are no better than "normals". Yes, you have some nice talents, but with those come PROFOUND disabilities.
'There are good and bad in both worlds. Whether people are on the spectrum or not is unimportant. Everyone has unique personalities, with a mixture of pure and evil. Neither group is superior to the other, and it should be remembered that aspies are not perfect. While it is unlikely that anyone fully believes this, the occasional statements blaming (and flaming) NTs for the problems of everything are misleading. Please try to remember that everyone has feelings.'
PoptartQueen wrote:
I'm GLAD not to be an aspie.
You really can't get a good statement with this.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!