MeshGearFox wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
I'm usually polite to my DETRIMENT!
My efforts to be polite used to be so excessive that it wound up as an invitation to walk all over me. I thought that's what I needed to do to make up for my unintended rudeness. I stopped trying after more than one humiliating episode. A few weeks ago, a co-worker was mocking my use of platitudes. The gist of it -- I do not "really" mean it when I say thank you and good morning. As I said, I kinda stopped trying. But I was upset and angry at the time. Saying good morning and how are you is not enough? I need to be an oscar-winning actor too? How do I do that?
YEAH, they walk over ME also! So you don't mean it? REALLY?? THAT is an autistic symptom???? WOW!! !! ! I guess I know a LOT of autistic people then!
I am one of the FEW I know that says "excuse me" first, and goes OUT OF MY WAY(LITERALLY) to avoid a problem. I have walked DOZENS OF YARDS(METERS) sometimes JUST to avoid a situation. YET, most people that say "excuse me" to me usually say it AFTER they apparently TRIED to hit me! Often when there is PLENTY of space!
BTW I had a "sociology teacher" in college who called this garbage CODE! CODE was her way of saying(And she said this) that something is said because it is expected, but it has no meaning. Hello, good morning, etc... were just SOUNDS to her. Not even really words, as words are supposed to have meaning.
As for good morning? I have had MANY say that to me when it certainly hasn't been. I myself say "morning" only if they say "good morning" to me. I ALSO used to not say "under god" during the "pledge of allegiance". For those that don't know, the "pledge of allegiance" at least USED to be something nearly every kid said in school every day. "I pledge allegience to flag of the united states of america and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Forgive me if I even got that much wrong. I haven't said it for SO long and frankly that nation doesn't exist anymore.
As for that nation not existing anymore, that nation had scruples, ideals, etc... that TODAY are LAUGHED at for being phony and idyllic! HEY, some of my childhood was like that, so I know better.