Ironic, too, that Ed (I suspect my calling him Eddie is pushing it - we hardly know each other
), wrote in his OP that a prerequisite for being a participant is that we (in paraphrase) U N D E R S T A N D the questions proposed.
Anonymousanonymous wrote as his signature: "The Great Writing God is powerful, invincible, and has a better vocabulary than you!”
Incidentally, Kit, he shared articles with you? I have only rudimentary emotions and jealousy is not in my repertoire. But, if it were, then I think jealousy would be in order now. In my PM to Ed(die) he said if I were ever in LA we could perhaps "get together" (minus the sexual connotations, of course). An evening with me will cost you more than your $20 offer, doctor. I'm a hottie.
Ed, if you are still reading this and want to delve into our autistic mind(s): GO DEEP, NT
where NT = neurotypical
(Oh, and spell/grammar check, Eddie?)
Something just occured to me! I bet we've been disqualified due to our attitude. It's all in fun, Ed, I assure you.
Am I still your favorite?
I am mindblind, but perhaps Dr. NT is thinking, "Why, oh, why, didn't I chose (fill in the blank w/ schizophrenics, bipolars, addictive disordered.....) ________________. Nooo, I had to pick autistics. What was I (not) thinking?" MENTAL SCREAM
Excedrin, NT? Still friends, Ed? you think we've inadvertently aliented yet another? Are we still invited to your study?
Dr. neurotypical (Ed), if this makes you feel any better, once in my research study (photochemistry; photoperiod manipulations w/ respect to plant behavior), I accidentally misspelled 'dissociate' which means for the rate of solute to dissolve in solution (my soil chem treatment) and spellcheck substituted 'dissassociate' instead - a psychoanalytical terms which means something quite different than my intent! My thesis was published with this typo and no one really happens.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown