I used to take these only a little for back pain, now I take them daily because im addicted, and cant sleep and vomit when I dont have them, never thought about it at the time, and now i absolutly regret even trying them, they are a powerful opiate, and some chemical found in morhene is in them, never did it occure to me I would have to abuse them, they are incredibly potent, and im going to try and decrease slowly the amount of $$ i spend on them mounthly (currently $330 every 4 weeks) over the course of 6 mounths so I can eventually reduce it to 0.
Never have I had an addiction before, and never thought I was weak enought to let it consume myself the way it did, i always thought I was to healthy, I was kidding myself.
They can be crushed and snorted, or injected, I swallow them, they are commonly refered to as "hospital heroin" and consume a good chunk of my mounthly budget $$$, but I no longer drink or smoke pot, and once im free of these (i hope to God someday) ill be clean.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.