anbuend wrote:
dime_jaguar wrote:
What are you using when your not using language? Emotions, feelings,...telekinetic powers?
When not forced to use language I think in patterns of things. I don't know a whole lot how to describe it right now. But it's not language. I use those same patterns to handle language through, but language itself is foreign.
are you usually happy when you think in these patterns....what im getting at is maybe since language does have some kind of inverse proportion to the patterns, you could go the other way around and use language to make your patterns change and get the ones you want to keep coming up? eh, im thinking out of the box right now, dont mind me i was just curious about your other form of communication. i think your just dancing so to speak with very strong emotions, i know that when im angry or frustrated, playing music on my guitar helped me let it out, video games also did the same for me, the very fast 1st person shooter types, exercise is my newest form of release and it makes me healthier, awesome combo.
?The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results. ?