I am suprisingly strong for my size, being only about 130 pounds and 5ft 8in tall because I can perform many tasks larger guys sometimes have trouble with at my shop. I have lifted and carried speaker cabinets, TV's and other stuff that weigh at least as much as I do. The others in the shop are frequently amazed at all the junk I can carry with me when on a job, huffing it several blocks from a parking garage. I attribute it to having good endurance, which I've had my whole life. I am perhaps the strongest I've ever been in my life now, my endurance has always been with me even though my strength when I was in school was quite a bit lacking from what it is now. I can run several miles and barely even get out of breath. I remember swimming the mile swim in the Boy Scouts, then getting out of the water when it was complete wondering "is that all there was?" Other kids were faster than me, but they barely had enough strength to walk back to their campsite.