likedcalico wrote:
Yes I like being by myself but sometimes I like to have someone with me because I think it be great going somewhere with a person instead of by myself. But I have my boyfriend now and he does what I do so he doesn't keep me waiting and leaves when I want to leave so things go great for me. I tend to prefer to be alone because then I do whatever I want and don't have to wait on anyone and I can leave when I want to leave instead of waiting and being bored and anxious.
This comes closest to my version of reclusiveness-partial, in some areas/types of everday interactions more than others. My boyfriend drives me places & accompanies me, providing crucial emotional understanding & support to help me through-I'm agoraphobic & have social anxiety, etc. Need plenty of time alone because I'm so self-centered and I dislike & have difficulty attending to anyone else (keeping track of stuff about them in memory). Have to write down & study pages of notes I've taken on each individual person (that I've met "in-person") to try to consciously "learn" them.
Can get into stories of people on tv or in movies or books, because they don't require action or response from me. Real life does-therefore I shrink away from leaving my home & being seen by people in public. There's too much for me to handle "behaving normally" in outside world full of strangers, processing my own internal reactions on many levels-plus noticing, looking at, or listening to people I don't know: figuring out what they mean, what do I mean, how does this go, what's next ?
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*