autodidact wrote:
Quirky_Girl72 wrote:
OMFG!! !! I hate that! Esp when whomever is calling that phone, keeps calling over and over again! If the person who owns the phone is absent, I usually go over and turn the phone off myself! They are lucky that my nerves are so completely shot by now that I don't throw the phone against the wall! I am actually not a violent person in the least, but this really upsets my whole sense of well-being!! ! That's why I keep my phone on vibrate...unless I am at home or in the car...I also use the simple, "ring ring" option!

Mobile phone ringtones. Arrrrggggghhhh!! !! ! I hate the bloody things. They shred my nerves too. Another thing; why are people so obsessed with mobile phones as status symbols/fashion accessories? - It's pathetic.
I don't understand why someone would even consider a cell phone a status symbol when everybody has one. I guess it's all about having the newest model w/ the coolest features. However, I must admit that I have my eye on the iPhone...I like new toys
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you." -Carl Gustav Jung