Age1600 wrote:
The other day I was volunteering at this place, and It was the first time I did it, and one of the workers was on the phone, and I was like question, why do you smile when you are talking on the phone, their never going to see you? She laughed, everything I said serious, seems to make people laugh. Growing up people would love to hang with me, because they would think I was a comedian.
Like when I said oh one my arm is bigger then the other, she laughed, or when I was like helping this girl with a puzzle, I stopped and pointed to what I did and said look how much I accomplished, she laughed, it's like um thats suppose to be funny? I don't get people. It happens to me alll the time, like I'm always serious, but everybody think its cute or funny, does this happen to anybody else?
I always have this happen to me.
One time when I was watching a programme on tv about someone who had been murdered I said to my mother "I wonder what the killer did with the body...". She laughed and so did others that were over at my house and I said "I'm serious", and they continued to laugh
Anothet time my cat was out in the rain and I said to my mother "should I let the cat inside?". Mother said..."No, he likes to get wet" and I said "No he doesn't" and then she laughed at me
I'm confused when this happens because I am not trying to be funny.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.