woodsman25 wrote:
I come from the center of galaxy NGC4261. My system is roughly the size of Earth's but has enough mass to create 1,200,000,000 systems like Earths. When I left Earth I weighed 160lbs, but here I weight 80,000 tons!! !
You may observe me die in 1 split second, but here, even after you assume I have been killed I can still observe you for thousands, if not millions of years here.
Seriously though no idea what its called but mine is in synchronous rotation with its star causing it to have a side always facing the sun and one always facing away.. the away side is frozen and uninhabitable and the sun side is mostly comprised of a large ocean.. habitable continents are scattered around the edge meaning its in a continuous state of sunrise/sunset (if you could see the sun) however due to the evaporation of water from the ocean its always darkly overcast and rains frequently, making the land very flat. The trees are very short and wide with leaves of a dark green color easily mistaken for black, the grass is of a similar color. Buildings are low, dark colored and domed for stability during storms and to take maximum advantage of what little infrared radiation leaks through the atmosphere to keep the interior warm. They are usually partially or completely underground with usually a window high up the wall but only a few inches tall at ground level to let light in and so you can see out. Buildings are clustered in sets of 6 around a center "spoke" with a fountain and communal building.. usually a library/store/meeting area etc. Homes are designed for no more than 3 occupants.. if a family has a second child the first is given to another household.. I could go on for hours about social and economic systems but the bottom line is its home to me.
I invite you all to visit for a nice hot cup of tea.