Empathy means you can understand the feelings/situation of another person, right? And basically sympathy means you understand, and actually CARE?
Going by that I vary. I do get emotionally tied in to like fictional characters in a story (assuming it’s well written of course). And I can feel sympathy. Generally I get much more upset about large overall situations-social injustice, that sort of thing, than I do about individual situations, where a lot of times I don’t really feel anything in regards to sympathy. Not that I don’t want the situation to be improved, and not that I don’t care-I do, I just don’t necessarily react emotionally to it.
That very occasionally leads to me laughing at things inappropriately, as I’m really laughing at the absurdity of the horrible situation-doesn’t mean I don’t care!
In general I just try to fake what I’m supposed to say or whatever as best as I can. For all I know that’s what everyone does. Actually though I think I may care a lot more than many people do.
Another random thought-possibly this situation is why I’m at least as upset by bad things happening to adults as to children. I think most people are all emotionally tied up with “the CHIIIIIILDREN” and don’t seem to care about people once they reach adulthood. I care about EVERY decent person regardless of age, and the whole “children are more valuable than adults” thing ticks me off. I don’t usually have any particular emotional reaction to children than I would for adults (except for my own daughter, who I never get to see, but that’s a whole other story).
I guess I’m saying I care on a more intellectual level perhaps. I can get very emotional about more abstract things that are hurting people (dumping Mercury into the environment, taking away people’s healthcare, etc.).