Symptoms of Asppergers (my little quirks)
1. Very bad coordination and body awareness. Constantly knock my shoulders walking through doors, spill my coffee all the time, trip over things and drop things.
2. Like to have the same breakfast, and, ideally, lunch, every day for weeks on a row. Currently two slices of toast and coffee.
3. My routines, especially in the morning.
4. I have no empathy.
5. Cannot do Small Talk.
6. Very good at breaking down complex concepts and problems and explaining them to people!
7. I hate Windows and like LInux
8. Rationalise and intellectualise not just others' but also my own emotions. Hence I don't even take myself seriously *LOL*
9. Cannot deal with multiple things going on during sex. Hence have been accused of being too "mechanical".
10. Rearrange the furniture in my room every two months. Have done this since the age of 8.
11. I'm very bad at staying in contact with people. I think of them almost every day, but never call or email them. Trying to improve though, since my girlfriend complained about it
12. Don't shave. Armpit hair suits me.
13. LOVE boardgames and like to play them over and over again.
14. Always itchy.
Take a guess, do I have autism?
1. Listen to the same song that I like (may find it on over and over and over again) Could be 30 times.
I’ve always done this.
2. Get involved in something that puts me in a trance (computer stuff, tv, driving) for hours on end. I can drive 12 hours straight on the interstate and it not even phase me (other people get tired). I should be a truck driver.
I used to. I used to drive regularly from NE England to Brussels without a break. Journey took 10-11 hours on average.
3. Chewing on straws or pen tops
Yes. Also beer bottle label peeling.
4. Mindblindness - I think other people don't see things about me (bad grooming, scratching crotch in public) when they do if I think really hard about it.
Not sure.
5. Accidently hit a door with my shoulder when walking.
Often. Also tend to catch tee shirt sleeves on door handles which will suddenly (and sometimes painfully) stop me in my tracks.
6. One a new stimuli (baby crying, tv turned on) when 1 or 2 other things are going on at the same time, I want to explode and yell in anger. (I know guys I need to be careful with this one around the baby).
Not anger, but intense need to shut out the noise or get away.
7. Check email a 1,000 times day
Not as bad as I used to be, but check for mail too often.
8. Don't use soap on body when showering because I can't smell myself. Go weeks without brushing teeth. Ew, I know.
I don’t like the feel of soap. I soak for ages in a bubbly bath instead. Can’t bear not washing my hair though.
9. Wear the same pair of pants for a week straight even if they are stained. I wore a pair of karate pants to college for a symester straight. Washed them maybe every other week. At the time didn't think anyone noticed and they looked cool, but now I realize poeple must have been laughing their asses off. One to class with my shirt on backwards by accident. Someone pointed it out and asked me if it was the new style. I was so embarrased.
I used to wear same clothes for a long time through laziness (or so I thought). Nowadays I have clean undies and shirts every weekday, but might wear the same tee shirt all weekend.
10. Have a hard time saying people's names.
Definitely. I even call my partner “Mush” or “Mister” because it’s easier than saying his name. I also can’t use common terms of endearment unless I’m being extremely sarcastic.
11. Trolling. Pick on people to start fights on the internet.
No, but if I feel picked on myself, I will become aggressively defensive. This has happened this week to such a degree that I have just lost two very close friends. They got so fed up with me that they no longer want to have anything to do with me. Ironically they are the couple (one AS, one NT) who first unofficially diagnosed me and later accompanied me to my assessment and diagnosis six moths ago. The situation has made me very sad.
12. Take forever to change lanes until the last minute. I don't gradually turn into a lane, I quickly do it. Family have pointed it out how odd it is. I guess it is my tendency to procrastinate and to get things done with and complete.
No, I have better than average lane discipline.
13. Use to eat one thing at a time. For example I would completely eat the hamburger before going to the fries. I don't do that anymore. At the cafeteria I would also rotate my plate so the side of the plate the food was on would be near me. People thought this was wierd.
Still do both of those.
14. Horrible handwriting. I would right several letters and number from bottom up. I right my 8s backwards. I write my 7s and 5s in one motion not lifting my hand (efficient huh?) My sentences and words would look enormous on paper. Literally my address on a card would be 4 inches tall.
My writing is small and scrawly and I can’t write in straight lines on plain paper. It gets worse all the time because I write less and type more.
15. I also have a bad tendency to read from the bottom up on lists etc.
The order of the list isn’t important, as long as everything gets done. I pick from a list to do the tasks in a logical or efficient order regardless of the numbering of the list.
16. Get pissed off when someone breaks a rule, even though I'll break the same rule
Yes. Also get well miffed when I obey the same rule as everone else but get into trouble for it.
17. been called dry
18. ultra conservative (especially with money)
19. love making is too complicated with too many variables. I can't concentrate on my hands, body, lips, all at the same time. Caught myself petting my wife like a dog. I'm so clueless.
I get distracted by other sensations such as a noise outside or a pillow feather scratching.
20. I talk to myself out loud incessantly.
It goes that way because that's the way it goes.
4. Mindblindness - I think other people don't see things about me (bad grooming, scratching crotch in public) when they do if I think really hard about it.
5. Accidently hit a door with my shoulder when walking.
13. Use to eat one thing at a time. For example I would completely eat the hamburger before going to the fries. I don't do that anymore. At the cafeteria I would also rotate my plate so the side of the plate the food was on would be near me. People thought this was wierd.
I will listen to the same song over and over and over. That's why I love my iPod. I will often listen to only one song for a month at a time. I will also only eat the same things everyday. My menu consists of mac and cheese, baked potatos, cheese pizza, cheese quesadilla, and Hot Pockets. My roommate makes fun of me sometimes saying that she knows what day of the week it is by what I'm eating.

I also have a really weird response to pain. I cut my hand open on a cake box at work and everyone freaked out but I was fine. I just wanted to finish the customer's order because it HAD to be finished. It didn't really hurt me at all. And my handwriting is completely unreadable. That's why I type up anything I have to submit for grading.
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