Tally wrote:
They needed to use forceps to help me out when I was born. Other than that, I understand it was fairly normal.
As a baby, and until I was about 15, I had a lot of ear infections and was given a lot of antibiotics. More recently, we discovered that I am allergic to many of them. The doctor told my mum that my stomach pains, skin rashes and high temperatures were caused by the infection, but it's clear now that it was the antibiotics causing it. I don't take them any more, but if I had a very serious infection I would certainly consider it.
This brings me back 22 years. In April 1983, my doctor perscribed a different anti-biotic than the ammoxocylin I was use to for one of my ear infections. Of course I was alergic to it and boy did I pay for it. My ENTIRE body broke out in a rash. This happened in the middle of the day when I was at daycare. During nap time, I remember one of the aids applying a liberal amount of lotion onto my stomach.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...