my only DX is HFA but my grandmother has OCD and I have exibited signs of it my whole life.
As a kid I would at night check every window and door at my parents house multyple times to dertemine if they were all shut and locked because I needed the house to be sealed. To this day I check every window when I get ready to leave and I double check the door to determine that it is locked eather prior to bed or as i get ready for work.
Whenever I spend money I must constantly count it, and can count it 2-3 times after every transaction.
WHen I am doing bills or obtaining bank papers I read every word on them, even tho i know by now what everything says, and will make sure the numbers all match and i can do this multyple times each week.
When I get outa my car I often check every window and door to enshure they are locked, even if i know they are before I leave it
I check my pockets very regularly to make sure I have everything on me still.
When I leave my house, for the first 5-10 mins of the jounrey i constantly worry that i may not have locked my door or shut my windows or left certain lights on.
Heh, its somewhat mild compaired to what I hear from others, but still... its definatly OCD
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.