Do you AS adults still have issues with noises, crowds, etc.

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05 Oct 2007, 11:26 am

We do not outgrow our nervous systems, some stimuli we learn to block out such as pervasive noise or
other mild discomforts. It's the abrupt sudden changes that set me off.

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05 Oct 2007, 11:45 am

I didn't when I was young, now I get nervous when in large crowds. I don't mind the noise, I just don't trust people to any extent, the only time noise annoys me is when I'm already frustrated ((and lately but that's due to mood swings)).


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05 Oct 2007, 11:50 am

well as a kid it wasnt that big of a deal, but now i'm an adult and gone though a hell 5 years. i have to say yea it bothers me alot, it's so bad that i cant even confront 1 stranger without being anxious, if theres more then 3-4 people around me, i usually start having a panic attack, thats why i dont go out as much as i used too.


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05 Oct 2007, 12:41 pm

I would have to say, it bothered me a ton as a kid, drove me crazy, but as an adult, I can handle much more, but it still bothers me a lot. I can go to crowded places without freaking out, but I still have so many problems with it totally draining out all my energy and making me loopy, but it doesn't stop as much as it did before.

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05 Oct 2007, 12:42 pm

Extreme crowds overwhelm me. I have to deal with them at work soemtimes when we have a function going on but I am not in it all the time and it's only for a few minutes so I can deal with it. If I was a guest there, I be sitting in the other room all day where it's quiet or be in my hotel room.

I used to not stand malls or crowds when I was little according to my mother so they had to work on that by keeping on taking to places to get me used to the noise. They bring me home if I get overwhelmed. But it was because of my hearing loss she says so I wasn't used to all the noise.

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05 Oct 2007, 12:42 pm

I do not stand loud noises and such.. It is worse if I am tired though.. As long as I am somewhat alert it do not bother me that much if I have to stand noises for a certain amount of time. I could not work with a lot of people and noises around me though.. /Anna

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05 Oct 2007, 1:42 pm

Yes and no. If its been quiet, and then there's suddenly all this noise, its bothersome. Like if I'm working on something that requires concentration, and then something gets loud enough to distract, it makes me angry.

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05 Oct 2007, 1:53 pm

Yes and no. Orderly crowds I can handle, especially if there's not a lot of high-pitched noise. I can't handle high-pitched noises, even my 4 y/o's high-pitch squeal that she loves to do to drive me nuts really gets to me. I constantly have to tell her to stop it.

Disorganized chaos, crowds, noise etc- I get very anxious. Multi-tasking in crowds, I can't handle. I get ultra stressed when shopping with the kids if it's busy. I can't handle the crowds, the kids, etc. Driving presents similar issues. I can't handle the kids being noisy in the back of the car, lots of traffic, etc. I have to turn off the radio when I drive and hte kids have to keep quiet.


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05 Oct 2007, 2:04 pm

Crowds only bother me when people get close enough to bump into me. Then I get anxious. I also have no peripheral vision, someone can walk up behind me, and start to walk around me, and I startle because I had no idea they were there.

Loud sudden noises make me jump. But it's really bothersome trying to carry on a conversation in a restaurant. I can't filter out the background noise. I can't hear what the waitress is saying. When I go to the car dealership, inside the building there's people on phones, and talking to each other, and I can't hear the service manager tell me what's wrong with the car.

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05 Oct 2007, 2:15 pm

I'm not sure-I'm probably about the same with crowds. Better or worse in some ways.

I don't mind the noise, it's more the smells and sensations of the people around me, and just having to deal with them.

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05 Oct 2007, 2:26 pm

It still affects me as much today as it did when I was young. Now I have an iPod to help me cope.

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05 Oct 2007, 2:59 pm

Crowds and noise still bother me very much.

My children's school had their fall festival, which doesnt usually bother me. It's usually outside but because of bad weather they held it inside. A small school auditorium filled with people.

It's not social anxiety that bothers me, I can keep a cap on that. I know how to deal with it, but this was too much. Too many people, too much noise, just too much of too much. I had no escape. I felt like I was in a room filled with bizarre meat puppets or some kind of alien species.

Too much....


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05 Oct 2007, 3:02 pm

Yes, but nothing like it was before.

I used to hate Sustained Silent Reading days in school because the teacher would always put music on (how the heck we were supposed to read with music playing?). Now I can read with music on but it still takes a much greater amount of concentration than I'd put forth without the music.

I used to go shopping at midnight to avoid the crowds. Now I can go shopping at the busiest time of days without getting irritated, but I'd still prefer a store with few people in it.


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05 Oct 2007, 3:36 pm

Noise still affects me badly, and can bring me to tears or make me incredibly aggressive. I was walking home past the library the other night...usually very quiet...but these stupid damn motorcycles, about 6 of them, kept zooming up and down the road, and I can tell you, I seriously wanted to throw a rock at them. It really distressed me.

Crowds... it depends. I have to have my music on to make it through a crowd. If it is moving and there is space for me to walk, I am ok, but if it is the sort of crowd that leaves you unable to escape quickly, I start to panic and again, get angry and aggressive.

As a child, I do not know really. Cannot recall. I think I always hated crowds to be honest and certain sounds like car horns and the vacuum cleaner.


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05 Oct 2007, 5:29 pm

Yes, noises & crowds still irritate & aggravate me terribly as an adult. Have agoraphobia, social anxiety, in addition to hypersensitivity of senses. As child, area in which I lived was pretty quiet, slow-moving, and sparsely populated (not rural, but very small urban center). Hard to say how much life in general has become noisier & more crowded, since I live somewhere else now. My home was spacious & roomy (I was only child) and parents didn't listen to loud things, raised in certain kind of environment-and now I live in apartment (which is quite the opposite).

Growing up I didn't know what was bothering me when I was upset-nor did other people. I didn't have choices in what to do or not (compared with now), and many things didn't occur to me as possible reasons or causes for my distress. Know I was outdoors & around other people a lot more when younger, but part of that was due to mandatory school attendance (and wanting to be away from family at home).

Getting this dx after all that confusion (never knowing why), I can come up with possible explanations for what aspect of situation is problem/obstacle for me (as well as better understand what I find rewarding & gravitate towards). Hence my signature: I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't.

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05 Oct 2007, 6:00 pm

YES I DO, I cant stand some noises, i cover my ears whenever a pallet hits the concrete floor at work (constantly) and ppl r confused because I always say 'what' when they say or ask me somethin like im deaf and yet am the only person to cover their ears.

I HATE HATE HATE CROWDS :twisted: :twisted: ! !

They are loud, they cause me inconvience, slow me down, make me nervous, LOOK AT ME, talk to me, ask me for spair $$, and interupt me when im thinking.

I wish society had more order to it, im not trying to be self centered, but i get so damn angry when people dont do simple stuff like be curtious about some things like rules of the road and right away, and not thinking of other people around them when they stand at the counter of the bank and ask 1,000,000 questions (all of them stupid ones) and write out their checks keeping everyone behind them waiting instead of being perpaired prior to holding everyone up, they are the self centered ones!! !!

WHenever their is too much going on around me, too much loud noise, too many ppl talking, and pressure it effects me, i cant think, i get aggitated and feel sensory overload. I dont like being super buissy at work because of that reason, and i dont like inconvience due to stupid ppl.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.