YES I DO, I cant stand some noises, i cover my ears whenever a pallet hits the concrete floor at work (constantly) and ppl r confused because I always say 'what' when they say or ask me somethin like im deaf and yet am the only person to cover their ears.
! !
They are loud, they cause me inconvience, slow me down, make me nervous, LOOK AT ME, talk to me, ask me for spair $$, and interupt me when im thinking.
I wish society had more order to it, im not trying to be self centered, but i get so damn angry when people dont do simple stuff like be curtious about some things like rules of the road and right away, and not thinking of other people around them when they stand at the counter of the bank and ask 1,000,000 questions (all of them stupid ones) and write out their checks keeping everyone behind them waiting instead of being perpaired prior to holding everyone up, they are the self centered ones!! !!
WHenever their is too much going on around me, too much loud noise, too many ppl talking, and pressure it effects me, i cant think, i get aggitated and feel sensory overload. I dont like being super buissy at work because of that reason, and i dont like inconvience due to stupid ppl.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.