OregonBecky that's so awful, that's what a lot of places in the US operate like, over here mental health is managed by the National Health Service, which as good as it must sound to you, fails people with ASD's very miserably. There are also charges for things like prescriptions, £6.60 I think the currant charge is, the exemptions are stupid, people with say a thyroid problem get prescriprions free while cancer patients have to pay, Low incomes also qualify, but if you live with a partner who earns their money is counted as yours, the whole set up makes no sence and it is all embroiled in the failing, and if you ask me rather unstable way the country is run and financed. As for where mental health comes into this a lot of the damage is caused by social services before it even gets handed to the "psych army". social services are like the secret police, one wrong move from a mother can result in her losing her kids, and as for Aspie mothers, it's a dangerous minefield, they will take your baby at birth if they can use "mental health" as a weapon in order to meet their child snatching targets for adoptions. Social Services can turn a loving mother into a child abusing monster with a few signed papers, it upsets me to the point of crying every time I read about another genuine case of this.
Yet on an even more frightening level, they fail so many times to remove children from homes where abuse is actually happening, it's like russian roulette with human life, there are no "catogories" or "at risk register" it all comes down to luck, if your number's up, it's up.