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15 Oct 2007, 6:16 pm

An Asspie has a fuller derriere.

15 Oct 2007, 6:19 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
What's the difference between an Aspie an an Asspie?


Asspie=an as*hole with AS.


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15 Oct 2007, 6:34 pm

Well, I saw people with an attribute I thought indicated the condition and extrapolated that everyone with that attribute had the condition. Like you see stupid or very young people sucking their thumbs, and then figure all people sucking their thumbs must be stupid or young.

Who would have thought that a type of autistic diagnosis flies in the face of much of what is assumed about autism!! !! It is even funnier to figure I am autistic. Just today, we had a fire drill. GUESS what happened? YEP! I was the ONLY one plugging his ears! I also ended up standing by myself about 10 yards farther away than anyone else.


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15 Oct 2007, 6:43 pm

My teenage son is an Aspie, as is my fifty-something fiance, and I absolutely refuse to allow them to think this way about themselves, period. They each have some wonderful talents and traits that will serve and have served society and, just because they can't socially schmooze and kiss up, doesn't mean they don't have worth or value.

But yeah, as a learning-disabled and borderline autistic gal myself, sometimes I can understand where their negative feelings might be coming from. Especially after yet another exhausting day of trying to make it in a world that doesn't understand your brain wiring and isn't cut out to accomodate it. Another day of trying to do and say and perceive everything right and trying to explain, for the gazilibillionth time, why you simply cannot multitask or why you're taking too long for something, etc., etc. It gets more exhausting the older you get, so yeah, I do get it. I just try not to give in to it and I try to remember that I'm simply different and not inferior or worth less. And I accept nothing less from my son and my fiance.

And I refuse to give in to any of FAAAS's nonsense and BS. They're doing enough damage, I'm sure they like nothing better than to see their nemesis Aspies feeling this way. :x

Queen of the anti-FAAAS. FAAAS does NOT speak for me and many other families!!

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15 Oct 2007, 7:07 pm

likedcalico wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
What's the difference between an Aspie an an Asspie?


Asspie=an as*hole with AS.

Ah, I see.


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15 Oct 2007, 10:53 pm

i think its impossibe to live life without hating someone or rather, thankfully i can get over most of my hatreds

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