high iq society
I think I should start my own special high IQ society; only the top 99.999999999999999999999999999% are allowed in, I can then buy and make punch, chips and dip with my disability pension to amuse and socialize, whilst playing music that hardly anyone likes and find an equally "smart" mate to procreate with.
Good times.
Were they both administered by professionals in person (ex. not just a pen and paper test given in school)? Did both of them test both verbal and nonverbal abilities? Were there any extenuating circumstances when you scored a 93 (ex. illness, lack of sleep, etc.)? That kind of difference is *very* unusual, although probably less so in people with autism. I had a IQ test when I was a little kid, and when I was again given an IQ test maybe 8 years later, there was only a score difference of 3 points.
High IQ societies typically accept a variety of standardized intelligence tests such as the Stanford-Binet test, WAIS-III (for adults) or WISC-IV (for children) and Cattell Culture Fair III test. Some conduct proprietary or alternative tests to determine membership eligibility.
Top 5% (95th percentile; IQ 125 sd15, IQ 126 sd16): International High IQ Society
Top 2% (98th percentile; IQ 130 sd15, IQ 132 sd16): Mensa International[2], High Potentials Society, Mysterium Society, Altacapacidadhispana, SocratIQ Society, Encefálica
Top 1% (99th percentile; IQ 135 sd15, IQ 137 sd16): Intertel, Top One Percent Society, Elateneo/s Society, Superdotados-Intelectuales, The Mind Society, Sinapsa Society
Top 0.5% (99.5th percentile; IQ 139 sd15, IQ 141 sd16): Colloquy, Poetic Genius Society
Top 0.37% (99.63rd percentile; IQ 140 sd15, IQ 143 sd16): Infinity International Society
Top 0.3% (99.7th percentile; IQ 141 sd15, IQ 144 sd16): Cerebrals Society
Top 0.2% (99.8th percentile; IQ 143 sd15, IQ 146 sd16): ePiq Society, Neurocubo
Top 0.13% (99.87th percentile; IQ 145 sd15, IQ 148 sd16): CIVIQ Society, Artifex Mens Congregatio (Artistic Minds Society)
Top 0.1% (99.9th percentile; IQ 146 sd15, IQ 149 sd16): International Society for Philosophical Enquiry, Triple Nine Society, IQuadrivium Society
Top 0.09% (99.91th percentile; IQ 147 sd15, IQ 150 sd16): Glia Society, One-in-a-Thousand Society, Milenija
Top 0.07% (99.93th percentile; IQ 148 sd15, IQ 151 sd16): ISI-Society
Top 0.009% (99.991st percentile; IQ 156 sd15, IQ 160 sd16): Vertex
Top 0.003% (99.997th percentile; IQ 160 sd15, IQ 164 sd16): Prometheus Society, Camp Archimedes, HELLIQ Society, Epimetheus Society, Tetra Society
Top 0.001% (99.999th percentile; IQ 164 sd15, IQ 168 sd16): The Ultranet
Top 0.0001% (99.9999th percentile; IQ 172 sd15, IQ 176 sd16): Mega Society, Mega International, Pi Society, Omega Society, StrictIQ Society
Top 0.00003% (99.99997th percentile; IQ 175 sd15, IQ 180 sd16): OLYMPIQ Society, PARS Society
Top 0.0000001% (99.9999999th percentile; IQ 190 sd 15, IQ196 sd16): Giga Society
Variable entry conditions: Sigma Society (Sigma, Sigma III, Sigma IV, Sigma V, Sigma VI)
The ceiling of most standardized (validated and normed) intelligence tests is at around 99.9th percentile. Measurements above this level need — for a credible result — a calculation, extrapolation and interpretation (including observations during the tests and sub-tests) by psychometricians being experienced in high IQ testing, and at least two differently designed standardized tests (among these at least one supervised) should be performed. Measurements above 99.9999th percentile are rather doubtful as no sufficient correlation studies and normings are available.
...from Wikipedia.
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Were they both administered by professionals in person (ex. not just a pen and paper test given in school)? Did both of them test both verbal and nonverbal abilities? Were there any extenuating circumstances when you scored a 93 (ex. illness, lack of sleep, etc.)? That kind of difference is *very* unusual, although probably less so in people with autism. I had a IQ test when I was a little kid, and when I was again given an IQ test maybe 8 years later, there was only a score difference of 3 points.
yeah....when I scored a 93 I was rather tired....
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Were they both administered by professionals in person (ex. not just a pen and paper test given in school)? Did both of them test both verbal and nonverbal abilities? Were there any extenuating circumstances when you scored a 93 (ex. illness, lack of sleep, etc.)? That kind of difference is *very* unusual, although probably less so in people with autism. I had a IQ test when I was a little kid, and when I was again given an IQ test maybe 8 years later, there was only a score difference of 3 points.
I had a similar experience. I had a difference of over 20 points when I compare the two IQ tests I have done. Which makes me curious to take a third one and see my actual real score.
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)
[quote="Rynessa"]Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:03 pm Post subject:
If your writing skills are any indication, you won't be getting into MENSA any time soon.
Y not use brain and learn to puncuate?
i am not english or american so my language adaptation skill doesnt seem to bother anyone.
any way r u too dumb to understand
as i can see as u r in here and playing the dumb as u cant seem to get simplest internet abbreviations like
u better learn this words before u use forums ,chats or discussions
When I was almost 6 I took an IQ test that if I'd been 6 I would have scored 160. (However I later found out the tester ignored my weak areas.) That was the Stanford-Binet.
When I was 15 I scored 120 on the WISC (don't know which version but know it was Weschler), with large peaks and valleys.
When I was 22 I scored 85 on the WAIS, also with large peaks and valleys, and scored even lower on the Weschler memory scales.
I don't know that this is all that rare for an autistic person. I have talked to many others who scored gifted as an child and low-average or below as adults. In addition to whatever tester bias entered into my first test, I suspect I had some abilities already online that come online much later, elevating my score right then. But I also suspect that those abilities were just already there, not going to "improve" that dramatically over time (since most kids by that age just plain didn't have them, and were going to improve pretty extremely over the years). So what was highly impressive at the age of 5 was not that impressive at the age of 15 and and not very impressive at all at age 22. Obviously I improved in some things or my scores would be even lower, but I don't think I learned things at the same rate or in the same order as most people would, and that obviously screws up the tests. I also experienced motor losses in puberty that probably didn't help my test-taking abilities.
All of those were administered by professionals BTW. And they're the real scores, on paper, etc. People insist that one or the other of them must be my "real IQ", but I think that's vastly missing the point. I don't think a person has a "real IQ". IQ isn't a thing inside of you, it's how you score on a test. I find the tests offensive. My brother said the only real way to measure genius is if a child walked in to be tested and said "I refuse to take your test because I refuse to have my life governed by a number."
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
Ifthere is no such an online society one good place to intiate it is, I believe, the wong planet, here you can easily met many high iq people together.
I can see an obvious interest in stay together with high IQ people, go on.
Be yourself!
Good times.
Ha, that would be fun! You'd have to look at all the people in the history of the world in order to get those kinds of numbers! I know you were kidding- but some of the societies are practically that selective- there's a one in a billion society that only six people should be allowed to join if the percentages actually worked out correctly- what is the point of that, I wonder? You wouldn't even be able to do accurate norming studies at that level.
Snowy Owl
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