This is one issue which makes me wonder if Asperger's is the right diagnosis for me. It seems that I am hurt easily, and I don't deal with pain well at all. On the other hand, like many others here, I sometimes find little wounds on myself and have no idea how they got there. I bruise quite easily and have a long history of other people exclaiming, "Oh, my, how did you get that terrible bruise!?!" and I have no idea how it happened. This tends to raise suspicions that I must have some terrible evil secret in my life -- either I'm a battered woman in denial, or I have a drug problem and I'm having accidents while I'm stoned that I can't remember later, or perhaps something even more sinister. But it's none of the above. (With one such "terrible bruise" I later remembered, finally, that in getting out of the car, I put my foot down too close to the car and when I put my weight on it, my leg mashed pretty heavily against the narrow ledge of the car body. I, of course, simply moved my foot and kept going, and didn't give it another thought until someone pointed out the bruise to me.) It's just that the normal activities of life leave bruises on me. I think I've learned to push aside sensations of pain because pain is such a constant.