AutismPRIDE Day UK 2008
There's nothing worth praising in anything I say, as no one will hear me in life's play; I can paint the perfect poem and do nothin' but moan in Daniel's tome of my lack of a social home and draw all the false empathy that means so much empirically, but I don't give a damn for anyone, only someone; I can stand before the world and put these pictures in an order that touches all those without crutches. If I don't give a damn for the human world why should the world give damn for me? That's all that I can see, that's all I'll ever be, there's no pride here, there's not even a beer here as its sedative effects do nothin' for my fight, flight and autistic blight; it's my nature, a nature that's neither good or evil only what I show--I show nothing for I am nothing 'cause you all are nothing to me. I'm so far detached that the only attachment wished for was fixated with heads, tails and the firing pin; I never saw a win with either sin. I'm the autistic tin man who beats his own pulse as the hands bleed and the bark splinters.
All I do is survive.
Re Adie's Q - Am I serious about a lot of us sitting on a park bench at the same moment?
Well, I was semi-serious when i wrote it, but the more i think about it the more serious I am - a lot of people of similar mind, in a similar setting, thinking a similar thought at the same moment. I don't mean to be too mystical, but i suspect it might have some kind of effect - most likely unexpected, and not necessarily undetected.
The effects of mind have scarcely been investigated by science, but there's a lot of evidence for connection between people & other animals - telepathic or whatever you want to call it - where distances seem to be unimportant.
But i'm no organizer. If someone else was doing that though, I'd make sure I got to my park bench on time.
Well, I was semi-serious when i wrote it, but the more i think about it the more serious I am - a lot of people of similar mind, in a similar setting, thinking a similar thought at the same moment. I don't mean to be too mystical, but i suspect it might have some kind of effect - most likely unexpected, and not necessarily undetected.
The effects of mind have scarcely been investigated by science, but there's a lot of evidence for connection between people & other animals - telepathic or whatever you want to call it - where distances seem to be unimportant.
But i'm no organizer. If someone else was doing that though, I'd make sure I got to my park bench on time.
Yeah, I think it's a good idea. I am a big believer in those types of connections - not necessarily from any supernatural standpoint, but I do think it feels good to be connected through music or live television or anything else that brings people together in a way OTHER than physically (although physically can be good too)...

Joined: 27 May 2007
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1,091
Location: In the girls toilets at Hogwarts, washing the blood off my hands.
I don't know if it was the desired effect, but that made me smile.
I wouldn't mind doing something for it.. I'll get the kids involved in some way or something. But I don't like to plan things that far in advance just in case.
We are the mutant race!! !! Don't look at my eyes, don't look at my face...