Flroida has terrible drivers. Anyone visiting from anywhere well complain about the drivers here. Old people, drunkards, and rubberneckers. I don't drive, but you don't have to to have peeves.
1. Rubberenckers...those people that slow down traffic by looking at a wreck and driving really slowly to do so
2. Old People...they just shouldn't drive. I can't put my experiences into words they're so terrible.
3. Drunk People...Fast, slow, swerve, slam on brakes, yell something, drink, repeat.
4. Teen Drivers(most)... Living in an obscure rich town, I've seen my fair share of idiot teen drivers. Sadly, way too many teens drive SUVs. It's not smart, because they're stupid.
I see all these things on an almost daily basis. I wanted to put tourists, but they usually drive better than everyone else.