When I was a child I had extremely long hair that went all the way to my butt. I didn't need to go to the hairdresser much, I remember that I probably had when I was about four and I suppose it didn't went well, since I've never been to a hairdresser after this until I was 13 years old. However, I can't imagine that it went too horrible, because my granny always did my long hair into a plaid and put things into it to compliment my horribly and way too cute childish look. I should have been used to someone touching my hair as everybody always wanted to.
Today I'm okay with going to a hairdresser, only because I know my hair will probably look cool after. But I can't stand the small talk, I don't start a conversation and even my answers are short and to the point. I may ramble when I'm bored though and then it unnerves everybody, so I try to keep it in check. The only thing I don't like is when someone is too rough with my hair and when they just push my head into a certain direction to better cut the hair on the back of my head or on the sides. Can't they say it rather than just do it?