Anybody take Zyprexa?
Fedaykin wrote:
monty wrote:
Actually, the fact that it is branded for psychosis doesn't mean it isn't good for other things. It is pretty good for for preventing cluster headaches, among other things. But I think kudzu root is as good or better for that. Kudzu blocks serotonin-2 receptors. Zyprexa works on the serotnonin and dopamine receptors. Zyprexa causes weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and possibly diabetes. Some research suggests that kudzu prevents metabolic syndrome/diabetes.
I'm well aware of how anti-psychotics work, yes, but you'd have to be pretty stupid to take them for stuff like headaches because of their in general very harmful effects - crippling creativity, impairing cognitive abilities, dysphoria, causing the state of extreme restlessness called akathisia and a host of other stuff, including lethal complications like neuroleptic malignant syndrome and agranulocytosis, and let's not forget that some of them like Risperdal can cause male lactation because of how they tamper with the hormone prolactin. Anti-psychotics are serious business and should only be prescribed in extreme cases, but today in the US they're being pushed to people with all sorts of conditions, where the harm from taking them dwarfs any benefit you'll have from them. It serves a purpose for big pharma though, since long-term exposure to anti-psychotics usually leaves you chronically ill, a drug consumer for life.
Yeah, well cluster headaches are quite unlike the average headache - they are widely considered one of the most painful conditions that it is possible to experience, and they can be very difficult to treat. Some people are blessed with them day-in and day out for years. They are sometimes accompanied by irregular heart activities and siezures. Along with 'alarm clock headaches' (for their uncanny occurence at the same time every day) they are also frequently referred to as 'suicide headaches' because some chronics can't handle the living hell. Most of the other meds used to treat them help some people, but not everyone. Or they may start off as effective, but become worthless over time. And the non-atypical meds also have side effects. Triptans can cause heart attacks, and seem to prolong headache periods in people that aren't chronic. Topomax also subtracts about 25 points from the IQ when taking it. Lithium helps some, but has well known risks of toxicity. Calcium channel blockers help some, but can also affect the heart.
Show us the perfect med that works for all clusterheads with no side effects, and we will gladly ditch zyprexa and the others. Until then, your opinions are welcome, but will be duly ignored.