What is your general stance on science...

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31 Oct 2007, 10:50 am

i guess i am more trying to probe and see what people think of scientific research on autism...

curious what you think is going on.

someone mentioned possible agendas... which is more what i'm interested in... as i see positives and negatives... and as a fledgling neuroscientist, myself... i want to help steer the stream of flow away from these negatives by trying to work from both ends (scientists and the general public) to see what can be done about this.

how much interest do you ACTUALLY have in scientific research...

like what do you think is ACTUALLY being experimentally done.

I taught science in elementary schools for a couple years... and we gave a survey to the children and asked them to draw a picture of a scientist.... (if they didnt' just sit there and draw a picture of you) they pretty much all drew a madscientist with an exploding beaker. (granted, they were secondgraders) and I myself, probably would have drawn a madscientist playing with rats in mazes (which ironically, i will be doing some of, lol)

Neuroscience PhD student

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31 Oct 2007, 10:57 am

Only science can lead us to a deeper understanding of god / the universe / ourselves / all that is.


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31 Oct 2007, 11:06 am

Science is a language, a way to organize perceptions and communicate ideas based on observations. At least, that is what it should be, unclouded by social interference.


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31 Oct 2007, 11:09 am

I certainly like science trying to explain why it happens more then supersticous idiots looking for the demons that're possesing thier child... Nothing like being tied to a bed and having holy water thrown at you to calm an aspie down, huh? ((I'm Christian, but don't believe in exorsisms and stuff.))


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31 Oct 2007, 8:54 pm

I did well in biology, but only average in chemistry. I like reading about medical topics. Perhaps that is one of the reasons I like Roger Bannister. He became a success in both athletics and medicine, and used his medical knowledge to become the first man to break the four minute mile.

My best subject was English, but science fascinated me too.


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31 Oct 2007, 10:11 pm

from both ends (scientists and the general public)

So we are 2,000,000 lab rats with no voice? Science is done for money, for whoever will give them money, for whatever agenda they have, like exterminating us, prenatel testing, or mass drug experments, like the last thirty years of mind drugs.

We are just a market to the people who fund research, and they want profits, or lower costs, nothing else. Government funded research is because some forms of warfare have been banned, like the weapons grade Anthrax we were not supposed to have, but do. Made at LSU Baton Rouge. A Biomedical Research Center.

The main focus is on ways to profit from, control, or extrerminate the population.

There are a thousand ways to improve the lives of people, with nothing being done, Medical Science is nothing but a business. Tesla was a Scientist, these are just people with degrees in business, sold their soul for an income.

There is no Science of Autism, only a final solution, and that will not work. Take your own pills.

You are not smart enough to ever understand the brain. Psychology is not a Science, it is a Religion.

We need solar power, fuel cells, and a healthy planet. Aspies will provide the Science.

We should not help the Bio-Warfare Complex in any way.


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31 Oct 2007, 11:38 pm

I love science, specifically biological and medical science. Always have. I used to sit in my room for hours upon hours reading medical books from cover to cover. When I ran out of them, I read the prescription pill books my mother had from cover to cover also. I probably know more about medications and their side effects off the top of my head than many practicing physicians. I get excited about documentaries on the cardiovascular system like people get hyped up about a good football game, recounting the key points of the program and getting all excited about it.

I annoy the sh** out of people.

They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.