Berserker wrote:
richardbenson wrote:
im sorry but furrys are teh ghey
You sir are a god!
Oh, wow. The bottom of the intellectual barrel stands united against things they are too dim, shallow, and narrow minded to understand. Yay for dimwitted human intolerance! Since we have a dimwitted theme of "wanting to kill" plus "ghey" (which I'll assume is the oh-so-clever miss-spelling of "gay" from someone who is too cowardly to speak in plain terms), how's about let's kill all the gays? If we're going to be intolerant, why hold back? Intolerance of things humans are too stupid and fearful and hateful to comprehend is a wonderful thing. Yay for intolerance! Yay for stupidity! Yay for narrow mindedness! I LOVE humans!
Humans never cease to amaze and amuse and sicken me with their misunderstandings, misjudgments, and misinterpretations. Here’s looking forward to at least another decade or so (if we’re unlucky) of living the vermin commonly called “humans”.
This thread was a query for aspies or auties who jive with furry fandom, NOT a call for the mindless critique of such. Here's a whack from the clue stick for those of you who are to obtuse to understand simple thoughts in your native language; if you're not an aspie or an autie who's furry friendly, please take your hateful thoughts and shove them someplace more useful (I'll let you guess where). Can we keep the thread on topic, please?
I'm furry friendly. For the record, in this thread so far someone has said because of this they want to kill me (and others), and someone else has called me (and others) "ghey". I didn't get it at first, but now I see why
Kenrai was so fearful of confessing to being furry.
Why must I be surrounded by freaking idiots!" - Dr. Evil
Good fortune,
- Icarus is sickened by gheys to the point of wanting to kill the fans of them (not really, but imagine)...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.