Aspies in danger? Anything leading up to a holocaust?

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03 Nov 2007, 11:32 am

Ana54 wrote:
Things to keep an eye on:

1. parents aborting their kids because they are autistic
2. parents talking about putting their kids out of their misery
3. autistic people in asylums for no good reason
4. autistic people on drugs for no good reason
5. the word "autistic" used with generalized disdain

Add to the list!

Have to disagree on this one for several reasons:

Today, children with autism that might have been put in an institution are living at home, a group-home and going to school.

A growing awareness by employers that people with autism can be good employees who in the past might have previously been written off.

The growth of computers and the internet means that there not only will there be an increase in jobs where Aspie characteristics are strengths not stumbling blocks, it also makes it easier to start your own business because it's always easier to express yourself on a web page rather than face to face( at least that's my experience)

New knowledge and discoveries on autism have relegated old theories about autism being caused by parenting to the dustbin. I would say that parents are better able to accept their autistic offspring if they no longer have to fret over "what they did wrong" knowing now that their parenting had nothing to do with it.

These are a few of the things I came up with.

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03 Nov 2007, 11:33 am

WOW, if anyone ever dared to call ME disabled, I would probably be able to list a couple disabilities(perhaps SEVERAL) for the "normal" person that don't apply to me! In some ways, I AM disabled. The concept of not knowing right/wrong, not understanding the idea of limited resources, not understanding basic electronics/mechanics, the idea of not understanding danger/disease, etc... were foreign to me even when I was FIVE, however! HECK, my life would be more normal NOW if people judged me based on ***MY*** abilities, rather than limitations perceived because OTHER youngsters were so much less capable.

SO WHAT if I view things differently, don't get social cues, don't like sports, etc...?


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03 Nov 2007, 1:56 pm

likedcalico wrote:
We look the same as normal people. People with Down syndrome look different, same as other people with outside birth defects.

Yeah, but they don't look different when they're fetuses. They run the kid's DNA, and look for trisomy 21 (due to nondisjunction in the egg or sperm, they have 3 copies of it). If autism had a known genetic marker like this, they could check for autism in the womb.


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03 Nov 2007, 6:21 pm

KBABZ wrote:
likedcalico wrote:
How can doctors tell a fetus has autism? :?

The same way they can tell if they have Downs, someday.

5. CAN starts asking for Charity Money to 'Cleanse the Plague'

Hardly the same, Down syndrome is caused by a cell slitting incorrectly and causing an extra chromosome. No one really knows right now what causes AS, but it's deffinatly nothing as obvious as that.

Most likely it's some mix of genetic traits, enviromental factors, and experiances in early life.

1. I don't doubt that first one will happen. Pretty soon the rich will begin engenering their own super babies, with high IQ's, dispusition to certain personality traits, hight, gender, hair and eye color. How can the the average couple compete?

2. Already happening, I assure you. It's horrible, but some people wont accept less then their perception of perfection.

3. To an extent I think some autistic children should be removed from unhealthy homes. I mean severe autism, in houses with parents who just can't raise a child with special needs. Not an asylum, but a haven for those with severe autism who aren't being treated well by their parents ((like those in example 2))

4. If there was a drug that could help an aspie be more like an NT, I say develop it, but let the as person decide if they want it.

5. Already happening.

Here's one, distrust and hatred on both sides.


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03 Nov 2007, 7:11 pm

stuff like this really worries me. Everyone should have the right to live, u should not be killed just cos u are not perfect.
autism and aspergers is a genetic variation as far as i know. mature people know that AS and Autistic peoples are just brightly coloured threads in humanity's blanket. Why would u want to get rid of an element of humanity that allows it to progress?

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03 Nov 2007, 7:26 pm

Well, there are neurological tests one can take, though it's too expensive to do it with all infants. Presumably there's a genetic factor which can be tested for, but again, it's too expensive.

I'd be worried for any kind of intolerance against those who don't appear normal. Oops, that intolerance is here already.

I actually think you can tell people with Asperger's from those without, but then it's not so much biologically but more a pattern of how one carries themself and acts. I know a girl with Asperger's and she's the most beautiful girl in the world to me... :)

I also think if there's gonna be a holocaust, we'll win. I think we can be extremely resourceful... ;) Plus NT's never follow through on anything... hehe.


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03 Nov 2007, 7:29 pm

And, if any of the above doesn't happen, simply a lowering of expectations that begins at school age and continues as we mature. That, to me, is a fate worse than death. For this reason, I am fortunate I lived at a time when AS was not a known diagnosis. "Hyperactivity" was the big diagnosis given in the early '70s when I was a kid. Luckily, nobody thought I was stupid, although they did think I was a bit eccentric.


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03 Nov 2007, 10:25 pm

Personally, I would probably prefer to have a child with Asperger's than one who is neurotypical.

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03 Nov 2007, 10:36 pm

I highly doubt it myself except as part of a larger campaign of genocide/mass murder.


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03 Nov 2007, 11:54 pm

What I see is that the definition is very innacurate; anyone who doesn't socially fit in can be written off as having a mental disease/disability. Asperger is a term that makes things easier for the usual moron down the street; it removes any serious possibility of self-evaluation and re-evaluation of dogmas.

Bullying at school or harassment at work become just something that happens to someone who is ill; for being ill - not the anymore the problem of a society having to face the fact that there's more envious, mediocre, sadistic jerks around and in positions of power than it would like to admit.
The term also helps creating a stereotype; another thing that makes things easier for the average prejudice-loving dork but certainly not for us. So called "NT"s seem to live surrounded by cliches and social stereotypes - some surreptitiously sexist or racist, most downright pathetic. Now, that is even harder to demolish. . . after all if you don't comply to the usual gender stereotypes of your culture (or whatever some test/checklist said) watch it. . . cause you may have Asperger's no less. . . and that is. . . an illness.

So, while I don't see people being shot down any time soon, human society as a whole seems to have a subtle mechanism from weeding out dissidents. Being isolated and unlikely to have any offspring, being vulnerable to many forms of harassment and all that while having our sanity questioned (cause that's what it is even though no one says it). . . that's quite dire already.
It doesn't need to be conscious and "planned" to be bad.

. . . and while I don't deny that whole mirror cell explanation - even that should just mean that an "aspie" should feel a little odd in social interaction; in no way it justifies all that which is both inmoral and stupid; all that that causes so much suffering.

I'm glad the term isn't well known in my country or it'd be inmmediately used against me at work.


When writing this I kept remembering 3 separate cases of unpopular high/middle school girls badly beaten by her classmates this year. Two were put into a coma and the other one was sent to hospital with bite wounds.


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04 Nov 2007, 12:04 am

Shall I give you a sixth warning sign:

1. parents aborting their kids because they are autistic
2. parents talking about putting their kids out of their misery
3. autistic people in asylums for no good reason
4. autistic people on drugs for no good reason
5. the word "autistic" used with generalized disdain
6. autistics supporting discrimination and marginalisation of other autistics for personal advantage



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04 Nov 2007, 10:31 am

Scary. I don't see why people hate us so.

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04 Nov 2007, 11:10 am

KingdomOfRats wrote:
Phagocyte wrote:
This is silly. The problem with diagnosing ASD's is that it has to be derived from behavior. Down's syndrome is easily recognizable due to the presence of a third 21st chromosome (Trisomy 21), ASD's cannot be detected in this same manner. It's only recognized in infancy or childhood (often times even later) from observing behavior, not genetic recognition. Also, on the mild end of the spectrum, the diagnosis is often blurry as it is, psychologists still debate whether someone is truly "mildly Aspergian" or simply an introverted intellectual with intense interests; many of the people here aren't even sure if they have it or not. Also, people with ASD's aren't on drugs because they're autistic, it's because of comorbidities like depression or anxiety.

not all is true comorbid-some drugs help with sensory and speech impairment,others help with meltdowns.

the whole cure/removal of autism debate is focussed more on lower functioning auties with complex needs and challenging behavior,where limited funding is involved,cannot see them spending it on removing the more independant less affected auties and aspies-it'll be the lf kanner types whom need more support [and money] than most.

if some people had their way,they would get rid of anything that makes a brain different from NT, because they want everything to be 'perfect',when really,the word cannot exist within people because no one is perfect,therefor difference should be tolerated.

When I was little I was considered mentally ret*d because I didn't learn to speak until I was almost five years old,
coherent sentences didn't happen until I was 9-10 years old. And yet at 12 I was reading and writing at a senior high school
level, and was doing college level maths when I was in high school.
My biggest fear is that we will become a "Brave New World, Masterpiece Society" where every one is "perfect" and no one has
needs. Ancient Sparta had a eugenics and a euthanasia program, I don't see any Spartans around, do you?

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