At other times, it's just a kind of paranoia about missing something, and I stare at it for a while just to make sure I'm getting everything. This is what slows me down most significantly in going through textbooks. I often find going into a kind of mental paralysis on that type of stuff. If I'm really finding myself a little stuck on a particular point, I'll end up so mesmerized, man!
Do you mostly(99% of the time) remember every last detail that you personally have an interest in, and then tend to have to re-read everything else?
How are you with diagrams? Can you look at a picture diagram of something and memorize all the details within 1 or 2 tries?
What you have already stated is very interesting.
I can type a ten page essay without forethought in a very short time, generally moving along with it at the fastest pace at which I can type.
Wow. I've done this with a lot of college essays and still did reasonably well on them! Glad I'm not the only one.